Weekly Special
Davidoff 12-Cigar Assortment
Only $24.74 per cigar + FREE Shipping!
Sample Davidoff’s bestselling cigars in a 12-cigar collection comprised of four distinct blends in their most popular shapes. Davidoff cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic and are well-known for their quality, taste, and their top-shelf prices. The Davidoff 12-Cigar Assortment includes 4 Aniversario cigars, 2 Grand Cru, 3 Millennium, and 3 Signature, each in a unique size. Tasting notes of cedar, nuts, hay, wild mushrooms, earth, and coffee beans emerge with a touch of spice in a series of mild to medium-bodied cigars. Please any Davidoff fanatics on your gift list with a complete collection of the brand’s core blends today.
Sampler includes:
- 1 - Davidoff Aniversario Short Perfecto (4.875 x 52)
- 1 - Davidoff Aniversario Special R (4.875 x 50)
- 1 - Davidoff Aniversario Special T (6 x 52)
- 1 - Davidoff Aniversario #3 (6 x 50)
- 1 - Davidoff Grand Cru #2 (5.625 x 43)
- 1 - Davidoff Grand Cru #4 (4.625 x 41)
- 1 - Davidoff Millennium Blend Petite Corona (4.5 x 41)
- 1 - Davidoff Millennium Blend Piramides (6.125 x 52)
- 1 - Davidoff Millennium Blend Robusto (5.25 x 50)
- 1 - Davidoff Signature #2 (6 x 38)
- 1 - Davidoff Signature #2000 (5 x 43)
- 1 - Davidoff Signature #4000 (6.125 x 43)
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