1-Day Flash Sale
San Cristobal 5-Cigar Assortment
91-95-Rated... Only $9.18 per cigar + FREE Shipping!
Explore an unrivaled collection of premium Nicaraguan cigars from famous father-and-son cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia. The 95-rated San Cristobal Quintessence joins the 93-rated Revelation, 91-rated Elegancia, and two unique sizes of the original 93-rated San Cristobal blend. This brilliant 5-cigar sampler is blended from the finest Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos tucked under Ecuador Habano, Ecuador Connecticut, and Ecuador Sumatra wrapper options. Succulent notes of cedar, molasses, coffee bean, cashew, black cherry, and white pepper layer the palate with signature Nicaraguan spices in a prestigious lineup guaranteed to impress aficionados everywhere.
Sampler includes:
- 1 - San Cristobal Clasico (5 x 50)
- 1 - San Cristobal Monumento (7.25 x 49)
- 1 - San Cristobal Elegancia Pyramid (6.125 x 52)
- 1 - San Cristobal Quintessence Churchill (7 x 49)
- 1 - San Cristobal Revelation Legend (6.25 x 52)