Cain 'Goon Squad' Monster Deal
Cain cigars are handcrafted at the Oliva factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, to a supreme standard for flavor, aroma, and construction by talented rollers. Cain cigars are primarily rolled from Cuban-seed Nicaraguan Ligero tobaccos that deliver loads of spicy, meaty flavor. Sample Cain’s finest in a sizzling collection that features a variety of bestsellers, including zesty and complex cigars like the 92-rated Cain F, 90-rated Cain Daytona, Cain Black, Cain Maduro and the creamy and smooth Cain Connecticut CT. Devour your favorite Cain cigars with a beefy discount built into the price from your pals at Holt’s!
Sampler includes:
- 4 - Cain Maduro 550 (5.75 x 50)
- 4 - Cain Daytona 550 (5 x 50)
- 4 - Cain F 550 (5.75 x 50)
- 4 - Cain Connecticut CT 550 (5 x 50)
- 4 - Cain Black 550 (5 x 50)
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