La Aroma de Cuba Monster Deal
Savor an elite assortment of premium La Aroma de Cuba cigars blended by José ‘Pepin’ Garcia from the finest tobaccos in the world. This 20-cigar medley of masterpieces includes the original 94-rated La Aroma de Cuba, 94-rated Edición Especial, 95-rated Mi Amor, 94-rated Pasión, and the 94-rated Reserva. La Aroma de Cuba is home to several critically acclaimed Nicaraguan classics. Tasting notes of cocoa, cedar, molasses, black pepper, coffee bean, leather, smoked almond, and more layer the palate with profound complexity across a stunning collection. Add 20 flawless Toros handmade in Estelí, Nicaragua, to your humidor today.
Sampler includes:
- 4 - La Aroma de Cuba Pasion Marveloso (6 x 52)
- 4 - La Aroma de Cuba Reserva Divino (6.25 x 52)
- 4 - La Aroma de Cuba Monarch (6 x 50)
- 4 - La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial #3 (6 x 50)
- 4 - La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Magnifico (6 x 52)
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