Fuente Fuente Opus 6
Few cigars possess the mystique the legendary Fuente Fuente Opus X boasts. Opus X is the pride and joy of renowned cigar-maker Carlito Fuente and one of the most sought-after cigars in the world. Once in a blue moon, a highly limited edition of Opus 6 Assortments is shipped to a handful of select retailers. They sell out insanely fast, so if you’re reading this while our Opus 6 Assortments are in stock, consider yourself lucky. Don’t hesitate to pull the trigger and get one. Six ultra-rare cigars comprise the Opus 6 Assortment, including the Opus X Lancero, Love Affair, Magnum O, Tauros The Bull, and Tiger Shark, plus a Don Arturo Gran AniverXario Toro in a gorgeous humidor crafted from the finest Spanish cedar in four sleek finishes. Add an Opus 6 Assortment to the top shelf of your humidor today, or get your favorite cigar lover the ultimate cigar gift before they’re long gone!
Sampler includes:
- 1 - Fuente Fuente Opus X Lancero (7.5 x 41)
- 1 - Fuente Fuente Opus X Love Affair (4.5 x 55)
- 1 - Fuente Fuente Opus X Magnum O (4.75 x 54)
- 1 - Fuente Fuente Opus X Tauros The Bull (6 x 62)
- 1 - Fuente Fuente Opus X Tiger Shark (5.5 x 52)
- 1 - Don Arturo Gran AniverXario Toro (6 x 50)
- 1 - Travel Humidor