Villiger San'Doro Colorado
Villiger San’Doro Colorado cigars are rated 93 points by the critics in Cigar Aficionado, and they’re expertly handmade in Nicaragua in a series of popular sizes. An oily Ecuador Habano wrapper leaf encapsulates well-aged Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos patiently assembled from head to foot. Tasting notes of cedar, black pepper, and leather satisfy throughout a sweet, malty, and medium to full-bodied smoke. Villiger San’Doro Colorado scored a 93-point rating and a ‘Top 25’ ranking from the critics in Cigar Aficionado on two separate occasions. San’Doro cigars are named for the sacred plant of India, which was a name Europeans gave tobacco when Christopher Columbus brought it back from the New World. Add another hit from Villiger to your regular rotation when you scoop up boxes of San’Doro Colorado at the lowest prices online from your pals at Holt’s.
- Country: Nicaragua
- Wrapper: Ecuador Habano
shapes:Churchill, Robusto, ToroCustomers Buying This Also Buy:
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