Rocky Patel The Edge 20th Anniversary
Rocky Patel The Edge 20th Anniversary commemorates two decades of one of Rocky’s most popular cigars, The Edge, and this special smoke is handcrafted in Honduras in a trio of classic sizes. A dark and oily Ecuador Sumatra wrapper leaf embraces a bountiful core of Nicaraguan and Honduran long-filler tobaccos aged for optimal flavor and aroma. Tasting notes of pepper, earth, and cocoa develop over a woody foundation. Rocky Patel debuted The Edge brand as a budget-friendly franchise, and twenty years later it remains a big hit with Rocky’s fans thanks to its consistent quality and affordable prices. Savor The Edge 20th Anniversary cigars in your favorite sizes and celebrate a major milestone from one the top-selling Rocky Patel lines ever created.
- Country: Honduras
- Wrapper: Ecuador Sumatra
shapes:Gordo, Robusto, ToroCustomers Buying This Also Buy: