Tatuaje 15th Anniversary Rosado
Tatuaje 15th Anniversary Rosado cigars are blended from a robust recipe of premium Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos tucked under a Cuban-seed Rosado wrapper. It’s hard to believe Tatuaje brand founder Pete Johnson introduced Tatuaje over fifteen years ago. The L.A. rock n’ roller spearheaded a steady craze for potent boutique smokes, handcrafted from Nicaraguan tobaccos, when he enlisted the vast cigar-making talents of Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia to blend his brand back in the early 2000s. Tatuaje 15th Anniversary commemorates the brand’s decade and a half in business with a full-bodied profile of spicy and woody flavors of coffee bean, leather, and cocoa throughout an intense finish in handful of tapering sizes. Add a 92-rated, small-batch smoke from Tatuaje to your rotation today.
- Country: USA
- Wrapper: Ecuador
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