Camacho Nicaraguan Barrel Aged
Camacho Nicaraguan Barrel Aged cigars broaden Davidoff’s scorpion-festooned brand with a medium to full-bodied blend handmade in Honduras. An Ecuador Habano wrapper conceals a complex core of long-fillers from the Dominican Republic, San Andrés, and Nicaragua in a handful of traditional shapes. The blend is called Nicaraguan Barrel Aged because select tobaccos have been aged in Nicaragua’s oldest rum barrels. Sweet and savory notes of earth, mesquite, wood, and pepper layer the palate while meaty, nose-twitching aromas occupy the olfactory senses before a bold finish lingers. Add the brawny, barrel-aged taste of Camacho to your coolerdor when you’re craving beefy cigars handcrafted to Davidoff’s standards for quality and consistency for a fraction of the price.
- Country: Honduras
- Wrapper: Ecuador Habano
shapes:Gordo, Robusto, ToroCustomers Buying This Also Buy: