Camacho Corojo
Camacho Corojo cigars put the brand on the map back in the day before Davidoff bought the company, and the Corojo blend still stands out for its strong and spicy character. An oily Honduran wrapper leaf surrounds a potent core of Honduran long-filler tobaccos grown in the Jamastran Valley. The result is a bold profile of earth, cayenne, and black pepper that segues into a long, leathery finish. Camacho Corojo cigars are handcrafted at Davidoff’s Honduran factory to the brand’s elite standards for quality and construction, and they’ve scored some impressive accolades from the critics over the years, including a 94-point rating with a ranking in the ‘Top 10 Cigars of the Year’ in 2010. Today, you can find Camacho cigars outfitted in brightly colored, scorpion-festooned boxes for a budget-friendly discount when you buy them at Holt’s.
- Country: Honduras
- Wrapper: Corojo
shapes:Gordo, Robusto, ToroCustomers Buying This Also Buy:
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