Camacho Broadleaf
Camacho Broadleaf cigars hail from Honduras where they’re handmade at the prestigious Davidoff factory, and they come in a series of traditional sizes, including a Robusto, Toro, and a chunky Gordo. A dark, reddish-brown Honduran Broadleaf wrapper leaf surrounds a potent core of Dominican and Honduran long-filler tobaccos from head to foot. Tasting notes of dark cocoa, espresso, leather, oak, and earth develop throughout a medium to full-bodied smoke with sweet and spicy character. Scoop up Camacho Broadleaf cigars when you’re craving a budget-friendly Honduran blend handcrafted to the uncompromising standards of Davidoff.
- Country: Honduras
- Wrapper: Honduran
shapes:Gordo, Robusto, ToroCustomers Buying This Also Buy:
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