Avo XO
Avo XO cigars hail from the elite Davidoff factory in the Dominican Republic where highly skilled rollers handcraft each smoke to an unrivaled standard for consistency and quality. Avo XO is blended from an Ecuador Connecticut wrapper, grown under direct sunlight, and a creamy amalgam of vintage Dominican long-filler tobaccos aged for six years. The result is a medium-bodied profile of almond, cashew, pepper, and grain with a creamy undertone. Avo cigars are named for world-renowned Armenian American jazz pianist and cigar lover Avo Uvezian, who was the face of the brand until his passing in 2017. Avo cigars are considered a satisfying but more affordable alternative to the high-priced Davidoff line, and Avo XO is no exception with its refined flavor and aroma.
- Country: Dominican Republic
- Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
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