Avo Syncro
Avo Syncro cigars are blended and produced at the prestigious Davidoff factory in the Dominican Republic. Avo cigars are named for the late, great Armenian American jazz pianist Avo Uvezian, who was the face of the brand until his passing in 2017. Avo Syncro is drawn from a dark-brown Ecuador Connecticut wrapper and a complex blend of long-filler tobaccos from Nicaragua, Peru, and the Dominican Republic. In 2015, the critics in Cigar Aficionado rated Avo Syncro 93 points and ranked it in their annual ‘Top 25 Cigars of the Year.’ This medium to full-bodied smoke develops with notes of leather, cedar, spices, and earth with creamy texture and a touch of sweetness. Add a top-rated, box-pressed cigar to your humidor with Avo Syncro today.
- Country: Dominican Republic
- Wrapper: Ecuador Connecticut
shapes:Gordo, Robusto, ToroCustomers Buying This Also Buy:
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