Alec Bradley Maxx
Alec Bradley Maxx cigars offer complex flavor and aroma in a series of big-ring sizes that burn cool and slow for fans of fat cigars. An oily Nicaraguan wrapper surrounds an intricate blend of premium long-filler tobaccos from Colombia, Costa Rica, Honduras, Nicaragua, and the San Andrés region in Mexico. Tasting notes of earth, cedar, and hickory mingle over a toasty and spicy foundation throughout a creamy, medium-bodied smoke. Maxx cigars have been around for nearly two decades, and they’ve earned a few accolades in that time, including a 91-point rating from Cigar Aficionado. Add Alec Bradley Maxx cigars to your stash when you’re in search of budget-friendly boxes that are handmade in chunky sizes.
- Country: Honduras
- Wrapper: Nicaraguan
shapes:Gordo, Robusto, ToroCustomers Buying This Also Buy:
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