La Aroma de Cuba Rocks Glasses
Every cigar-friendly man cave is a sanctuary that deserves great barware. Order a set of La Aroma de Cuba Rocks Glasses and sip on your favorite bourbon or Scotch with the next cigar you smoke. They come in a set of two and feature the brand’s logo in a frosted font on the front of each glass. La Aroma de Cuba is a world-renowned Cuban-legacy brand that became a favorite of Winston Churchill in the late 1800s. Today, La Aroma de Cuba cigars are blended and handcrafted by legendary cigar-maker José ‘Pepin’ Garcia in Estelí, Nicaragua. We’ve got a full suite of cigar lighters, ashtrays, apparel, and more from La Aroma de Cuba when you’re in search of the perfect cigar gear. Celebrate your next special occasion by raising a toast with your new rocks glasses while you fire up a top-rated La Aroma de Cuba cigar.
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