Partagas Cigar Serving Tray
The fellas at Partagas know no one likes to handout cigars with no ceremony. After all, you’re not simply handing out a smoke, you’re giving someone 45 to 60 minutes or more of pure, unadulterated pleasure. Why waste the occasion without an appropriate degree of pomp and circumstance? The Partagas Cigar Serving Tray solves the entire conundrum. Serve up your next cigar dish in a distinct and classy fashion your pals won’t soon forget. The solid walnut dimensions include brass accents on the corners and a vintage brass Partagas logo embossed in the center. Cigar-pilfering pals are guaranteed to gaze up at the next cigars you pass out with an utter expression of ‘je ne sais quoi’ on their faces. Snap a selfie with them.
11" L x 8 1/2" W x 1" H