Boveda is the worldwide leader in humidification technology. Boveda humidity packs preserve the flavor, aroma, and consistency of your cigars with a patented two-way humidity control. Boveda packs are made from a permeable membrane that allows purified water vapor to be emitted and absorbed continually to achieve a consistent RH (relative humidity) level inside your humidor. Each pack is calibrated to create a specific humidity level, including 65%, 69%, 72%, and 75% RH. An 84% RH pack is available but should only be used to season a new humidor before cigars are placed inside. Boveda packs stay fresh for 2 years unopened and last 2-3 months or longer, depending on how many cigars you’re storing. Use one 60-gram Boveda pack for every 25 cigars. Boveda packs firm up when their moisture is depleted. When your Boveda becomes stiff, it’s time to replace it with a new pack. Do not mix Boveda packs of different humidity levels and do not use Boveda packs in conjunction with other humidification devices because they will work against one another. Remove the hassle of monitoring a traditional humidification device with distilled water and rely on Boveda today.
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