Cigar Aficionado May / June 2024
Cigar Aficionado editors return to Cuba for an intimate look at the island known as the Pearl of the Antilles. Lack of supply and big demand for Cuban cigars send the prices into the stratosphere. The best Cuban cigars to smoke now get the spotlight. Smoke a cigar in a hidden lounge at the famous Hotel Nacional de Cuba. Enjoy a taste of the best places to dine in Havana. The impact of Hurricane Ian in 2022 casts a shadow on Pinar del Rio. Look back on Marvin R. Shanken’s legendary interview with Fidel Castro thirty years later. Ferraris possess an allure that rivals rare art. Discover how the PGA and LIV are structured now. Steve Harvey, actor Sam Heughan, WNBA star Kelsey Plum, and golf coach Stefan Schauffele reveal their favorite cigars. Seventy-two cigars get rated.