Smoothest Cigars
As we head through the warmer months, it’s time to add cigars for summer to the humidor – the kind of cigars you can enjoy earlier in the day on the golf course or when you’re catching some rays and smoking on the beach. Smooth cigars layer the palate with silky texture and a mouthwatering finish. They’re great for beginners because they offer a lot of flavor without overwhelming your palate with too much strength or spice, and connoisseurs consider smoothness an essential quality in any great cigar. Here are ten of the smoothest cigars you can buy today regardless of your experience level.
Top 10 Smoothest Cigars
1. Ashton Cabinet Selection
Master cigar-maker Carlito Fuente ages all the tobacco in Ashton Cabinet Selection for five to seven years to achieve optimal flavor and aroma. A golden-blond Connecticut Shade wrapper harbors premium Dominican long-filler tobaccos from head to foot in several sizes. Savor a superb profile of cashew, almond, white pepper, and coffee bean in an elite Dominican smoke.
2. La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut
Demand for La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut cigars has soared since their debut in 2023. Award-winning cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia blend vintage Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos under a glistening Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf in seven classic sizes. Indulge in an excellent profile of cedar, cashew, almond, and coffee bean with a hint of buttercream in a luscious cigar you can fire up any time of the day.
3. Arturo Fuente Hemingway
Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars comprise a world-famous collection of Figurados blended by Carlito Fuente and handmade by expert cigar rollers in the Dominican Republic. A toothy Cameroon wrapper leaf conceals well-aged Dominican long-filler tobaccos in a delicious profile of cedar, chestnut, coffee bean, and baking spices throughout a complex, medium-bodied finish.
4. San Cristobal Elegancia
An Ecuador Connecticut wrapper surrounds premium Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos blended by José ‘Pepin’ Garcia in a soft and nutty profile handmade in six popular sizes. Tasting notes of cashew, almond, and coffee bean culminate with hints of white pepper in a creamy, mild to medium-bodied cigar seasoned aficionados and beginners appreciate equally. Explore an excellent introduction to San Cristobal cigars with Elegancia.
5. Montecristo
Montecristo cigars enjoy a massive audience thanks to a famous Cuban-heritage brand name and the mild, easygoing flavor they’re known for. A silky Connecticut Shade wrapper covers a nutty amalgam of aged Dominican long-filler tobaccos in several classic sizes, including the iconic No. 2, a 6-by-50 Torpedo. Add an appealing Dominican gem to your rotation with the original Montecristo blend.
6. Macanudo Café
Macanudo Café has been one of the most famous cigars for beginners for decades because it’s distributed everywhere cigars are sold, and it offers smooth, approachable taste in several traditional sizes. A blond Connecticut Shade wrapper covers a luscious blend of long-filler tobaccos grown in the Dominican Republic and Mexico. Notes of nuts, cedar, and coffee bean unfold with a touch of spice from the first puff to the last.
7. Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real
Romeo y Julieta cigars are another famous Cuban-legacy brand, and Reserva Real stands out for its smooth and mellow taste. A Connecticut-seed wrapper, grown in Ecuador, covers a medium-bodied blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican long-filler tobaccos in several well-known sizes. Pleasant notes of almond, cedar, and cashew mingle with hints of molasses throughout a bestselling profile.
8. Perdomo 30th Anniversary Connecticut
Perdomo brand founder Nick Perdomo produces an extensive portfolio of affordable premium cigars renowned for their quality and consistency. Perdomo 30th Anniversary Connecticut is drawn from Nicaraguan long-fillers, aged for fifteen years, and a golden Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf matured in a bourbon barrel. Nutty notes of cedar and caramel resonate in a series of thicker ring gauges that deliver loads of creamy, rich flavor and aroma.
9. Nub Connecticut
Nub cigars are produced by the award-winning Oliva brand in Estelí, Nicaragua, and they’re extremely popular for the short, fat sizes they’re rolled in. Nub Connecticut consists of vintage Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos tucked under an Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf in a collection of chunky formats that burn slow and easy. Savory notes of cashew, white pepper, cedar, and cocoa powder develop in a smooth and balanced profile from one of the best Nub cigars you can buy.
10. Davidoff Aniversario
The Davidoff portfolio includes several top-shelf cigars that are on the pricier side but regarded for their consistent and creamy taste. When you feel like splurging on an unquestionably smooth cigar, Davidoff Aniversario is a classic profile drawn from an Ecuador Connecticut wrapper and well-aged Dominican long-filler tobaccos assembled by skilled rollers at the sprawling Davidoff factory. Mellow notes of coffee bean, grass, and nuts mingle with hints of mushroom, moss, and spices in an elegant, top-shelf smoke.