Top 5 Most Consistent Cigars
Consistency is essential in a premium cigar. You know you’re smoking an excellent brand when every cigar in the box is uniform in color, well-constructed, and offers great taste with a seamless draw. We’re loyal to our favorite brands because they are consistent. You can buy the same cigar in ten different stores and each one will burn perfectly and deliver the flavor you expect.
The makers of the top cigar brands hire the best rollers, and they follow rigorous quality control protocols to ensure every box that leaves their factories is equally tasteful. On top of a skilled labor force, the best cigar-makers accumulate major reserves of high-quality premium tobaccos for their blends – typically enough to last for several years in the event a hurricane or natural disaster interrupts the growing season. It’s challenging to maintain consistency at scale, but the best cigar-makers never compromise. Here are the top five most consistent cigar brands you can count on today.
1. Arturo Fuente
The Fuente family has been making Arturo Fuente cigars for several generations. Legendary cigar-maker Carlito Fuente carries on the legacy of his father, Carlos Sr., in blending and aging dozens of the world’s most sought-after cigars, including Fuente Fuente Opus X, Anjeo, Hemingway, Don Carlos, the Chateau Series, and many more. The Fuente family mottos is, “We will never rush the hands of time.” Carlito’s attention to detail and insistence on blending and aging the finest tobaccos to perfection is why Arturo Fuente is a leading brand. You can buy premium Fuente cigars in retailers around the globe and rely on the rich Dominican taste and signature Fuente spices they’re known for no matter where or when you make your purchase.
2. Ashton
Ashton is home to a stellar portfolio of ultra-premium cigars. Iconic blends like Ashton Classic, Aged Maduro, and Cabinet have been cigar lovers’ favorites for over thirty years. Dozens of appearances in Cigar Aficionado’s annual top 25 rankings include the 94-rated Ashton ESG, 94-rated VSG, 94-rated Symmetry, and more. It’s no surprise the brand is blended by Carlito Fuente. Ashton cigars are produced to an unwavering standard for taste and quality at the Fuente family’s renowned cigar factory in the Dominican Republic. Discover the finest Dominican profiles ever created with the world’s top wrappers, including Connecticut Shade, Ecuador Sumatra, Ecuador Habano, and Sun Grown Dominican varietals. It’s easy to find a cigar you’ll want to smoke again and again from Ashton.
3. La Aroma de Cuba
La Aroma de Cuba dates back to the late 1800s in Cuba where the brand became an early favorite of Winston Churchill. Today, La Aroma de Cuba is blended by esteemed cigar-maker Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia in Estelí, Nicaragua, in a versatile collection. The top-selling brand is known for superior flavor and value. Spicy and complex profiles emerge in the 95-rated La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor, 94-rated Edicion Especial, 94-rated Reserva, 94-rated Pasión, and the original 93-rated La Aroma de Cuba. This brand is a model for making great cigars on a large and consistent scale. It’s available everywhere the finest premiums are sold – and for a reasonable price. Smoke La Aroma de Cuba and taste why the critics shower accolades on this brand.
4. My Father
Leaving Cuba for Nicaragua in the early 2000s, father-and-son cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia quickly established themselves among the world’s most talented blenders. The Garcias produce several award-winning brands, including La Aroma de Cuba and San Cristobal, but they are best recognized as the duo behind My Father. Their brand’s portfolio is stacked with strong and spicy cigars that have captured dozens of awards, including two former ‘#1 Cigar of the Year’ titles in Cigar Aficionado for the 96-rated Flor de las Antillas and the 97-rated My Father Le Bijou 1922. When you’re in search of robust Cubanesque taste, My Father is an ideal brand to explore with complex and zesty cigars like La Opulencia, The Judge, and the original My Father blend.
5. Padrón
Brand founder José Orlando Padrón passed away in 2017, but his legacy is alive and well in the cigars he created over a lifetime in the business. Today, his son, Jorge Padrón, leads the company known for its prestigious collection, including the 97-rated Padrón 1926 Series, 96-rated 80 Years, 95-rated Family Reserve, and the 97-rated 1964 Anniversary. Because the tobaccos that go into Padrón cigars are aged for long periods of time, the cigars can get expensive. Cigar lovers agree they’re worth it, though. Notes of cedar, cayenne, wood, and cocoa are hallmarks of classic Padrón taste. All Padrón cigars are handmade from exclusive reserves of premium Nicaraguan tobaccos and are blended with Natural and Maduro wrappers.