Our Favorite Cigar Samplers for Traveling
About the best time to enjoy a cigar is on vacation. That’s why you’ll find cigar shops near resort areas, golf courses, and on cruise ships. By the time you get where you’re going, it’s awesome to kick back and have a cigar. But get out your credit card if you didn’t bring cigars with you. Like toothpaste and aspirin, you pay more when you buy your cigars on vacation versus before you leave. Besides, you don’t want to get stuck buying phony Cubans from a guy on the beach. Plan ahead by ordering the best cigar samplers before you travel.
Cigar Samplers for Your Suitcase & Carry-on
It’s easy to fit 5 or 10 cigars in your suitcase when they come in a boxed sampler. Here are some of the bestselling samplers we recommend taking on your vacation because you can enjoy an assortment of different blends and sizes one tidy package that won’t take up too much space when you toss them in your carry-on.
1. The Ashton 5-Cigar Assortment includes five exceptional Dominican cigars from the award-winning Ashton brand. Legendary cigar-maker Carlito Fuente blends the entire collection in five unique shapes from the finest premium aged tobaccos. Connecticut Shade, Connecticut Broadleaf, Ecuador Sumatra, and Cuban-seed wrapper varietals deliver a magnificent range of flavors from creamy, nutty, and sweet profiles to rich, earthy notes of leather, raisin, and cedar.
2. Indulge in five top-rated blends created by celebrated cigar-maker Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia in the La Aroma de Cuba/San Cristobal ’93-95’ Rated Collection. Tasting notes of cracked black pepper, espresso bean, dark chocolate, hickory, cedar, and more emerge in this excellent assortment. The 95-rated La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor joins the 94-rated La Aroma de Cuba Reserva, and 94-rated La Aroma de Cuba Edición Especial with the 95-rated San Cristobal Quintessence and 93-rated original San Cristobal. Five classic Nicaraguan profiles come together for an excellent value.
3. Padrón cigars enjoy a legendary reputation, and the Padrón 1964 Anniversary Sampler comes in Natural or Maduro wrapper options. Five meticulous box-pressed sizes unfold with notes of cocoa, cayenne, cedar, cinnamon, and baking spices in a 97-rated profile. Padrón cigars are perfect for saving for special occasions like a relaxing vacation where you’ve got plenty of time to indulge in fine cigars.
4. Ten iconic cigars are on deck in five distinct blends (2 each) in the Arturo Fuente ‘Variety’ Sampler. Many of the Fuente family’s bestselling releases are represented, including Arturo Fuente Hemingway, Chateau Series, and Don Carlos. Approachable notes of almond, chestnut, leather, baking spices, and coffee bean intrigue the palate in a collection of world-famous Dominican cigars blended by Carlito Fuente. This versatile and complex 10-cigar lineup is easy to share with friends.
5. Discover eight popular Oliva gems in the Oliva 8-Cigar Assortment, including two hearty Oliva Serie V Maduro Toros along with the brand’s original 95-rated Oliva Serie V, 94-rated Oliva Serie O, and the 92-rated Oliva Master Blends., considered the brand’s ‘Crown Jewel.’ Oliva cigars are blended from premium Nicaraguan long-fillers matured for maximum smoothness and tucked under several different wrappers, including Ecuador Connecticut, Cameroon, Nicaraguan, and Connecticut Broadleaf varietals.
6. Rocky’s bestselling cigars are included in the 10-cigar Rocky Patel ‘Luxury Collection’ Sampler. The 95-rated Rocky Patel Decade joins the bestselling Ocean Club, Velvet Edition, the ultra-rare Opulence, and more. You get two of each blend in a sampler that Rocky’s biggest fans routinely praise. Tasting notes of leather, wood, espresso, nuts, and pepper develop throughout a delicious and affordable tour of popular Rocky smokes.
7. Splurge on the Davidoff 9-Cigar Assortment when you feel like treating yourself to pricier handmades on your next journey. Davidoff cigars are well known for their elegant flavor and consistency. This Dominican-made sampler includes iconic Davidoff profiles, like the Aniversario and Signature blends, with the top-rated Millennium, Nicaragua, and Winston Churchill, and more. Davidoff cigars are famous for nutty, mellow, and grassy notes of coffee bean and fennel.
Quantity Is King
If you’re planning to meet up with a group of fellow cigar lovers on your next trip, consider grabbing one of 20-cigar our Monster Deals. Save big on dozens of brands, and bring a mix of top-rated cigars you can proudly pass out to your cigar-mooching pals if you’re golfing, camping, hunting, hiking, or smoking on a boat. Review our tips for how to keep your cigars fresh without humidor, too, before you get on the plane