Top 5 San Cristobal Cigars
If you’ve been in search of the best Nicaraguan cigars to smoke, the San Cristobal brand belongs on your shopping list. San Cristobal cigars are blended by Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia in Esteli, Nicaragua, for the Levin family, the owners of Ashton and La Aroma de Cuba. The Levins debuted San Cristobal in 2007 to meet the growing demand for premium Nicaraguan cigars, and the brand has become immensely popular, especially among cigar lovers who enjoy top-rated blends from My Father, Padron, and Oliva. Here is an overview of the best San Cristobal cigars you can smoke.
1. San Cristobal
The original San Cristobal blend makes a big impression in a powerful and deep profile of dark chocolate, walnut, and espresso bean with hints of black cherry. A thick and oily Ecuador Habano Oscuro wrapper leaf is fermented for maximum smoothness and handcrafted over a well-aged blend of premium Nicaraguan long-fillers grown on Garcia family estates. Savor this robust and spicy 93-rated smoke in seven classic sizes.
2. San Cristobal Elegancia
A golden-blond Connecticut-seed wrapper harvested in Ecuador embraces a creamy amalgam of vintage Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos in San Cristobal Elegancia. Tasting notes of cashew, almond, coffee bean, and white pepper layer the palate in luscious proportions in six excellent sizes. Elegancia is a superb introduction to premium Nicaraguan tobaccos for new cigar lovers, and seasoned aficionados easily appreciate its taste.
3. San Cristobal Quintessence
In 2021, the critics in Cigar Aficionado rated San Cristobal Quintessence 95 points and crowned it their ‘#3 Cigar of the Year.’ An oily Cuban-seed wrapper grown in Ecuador harmonizes perfectly with a well-matched blend of select Nicaraguan long-fillers matured to deliver unsurpassed flavor and aroma. Notes of coffee bean, cocoa, cedar, and molasses layer the palate with Pepin’s signature spice before a resounding finish lingers in six traditional shapes.
4. San Cristobal Revelation
A toothy, milk-chocolate-hued Ecuador Sumatra wrapper veils an incredible blend of premium Nicaraguan long-fillers in San Cristobal Revelation. This versatile masterpiece pleases the senses in a creamy profile of cocoa, cedar, cinnamon, smoked almond, and black pepper ahead of a highly refined finish. The 93-rated Revelation has found an audience among scores of newer and more sophisticated connoisseurs.
5. San Cristobal Ovation
San Cristobal Ovation is decadent, sweet, and best smoked on a full stomach. A rare blend of premium Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos grown on select Garcia family estates rests under a dark and shimmering San Andrés Oscuro wrapper leaf. Opulent notes of hickory, dark cocoa, maple, and cedar mesmerize the palate with ample amounts of black pepper before a creamy aftertaste emerges. Ovation is a match made in heaven with a vintage scotch or bourbon.