Top 5 Rosado Cigars
If you’ve smoked a cigar with a lustrous, reddish-brown, almost mahogany-colored wrapper, you’ve likely smoked a Rosado cigar. “Rosado” is Spanish for “rose-colored.” The designation comes from the cigar-maker and is more than simply a reference to color – Rosado wrappers are grown from Cuban seeds. We’ve provided an introduction to Rosado cigars previously, but here are five tasteful examples you can buy and smoke now.
1. Ashton Symmetry
When Ashton Symmetry debuted in 2014, it was the first cigar from Ashton blended with both Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos. The blend is an uncontested benchmark for complexity and balance from esteemed cigar-maker Carlito Fuente, and its Cuban-seed Rosado wrapper draws its rich profile together perfectly. Notes of cedar, baking spices, coffee beans, and figs layer the palate with a sublime zest in five classic shapes. The 94-rated cigar has been ranked in Cigar Aficionado’s ‘Top 10’ on numerous occasions.
2. My Father
The original My Father blend debuted in 2008. It was the first official cigar master cigar-maker Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia released under the My Father label and it set the trend for his brand with its accolade-worthy taste. A reddish-brown Ecuador Habano wrapper leaf glistens over a meaty combination of Nicaraguan long-fillers grown on select Garcia family farms. Notes of roasted coffee beans, baking spices, earth, and peppers culminate in a variety of classic shapes. The finish is full and spicy but maintains magnificent balance.
3. La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial
In early 2020, La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial was reblended and repackaged to deliver a fresh and exciting profile of smoked almonds, wood, espresso, and leather with a creamy, Cubanesque finish. The 94-rated cigar is considered a classic by critics and cigar lovers everywhere agree. Acclaimed father-and-son cigar-makers Pepin Garcia and Jaime Garcia blend Edicion Especial from an oily Ecuador Habano wrapper over a vintage amalgam of premium Nicaraguan long-fillers grown in the volcanic soils of their family’s estates.
4. Arturo Fuente Magnum R
There’s no question Carlito Fuente is a master at accentuating the taste of premium Dominican tobaccos with a Rosado cover leaf. Arturo Fuente Magnum R shimmers with a Sun Grown Ecuador Habano wrapper in six excellent formats. Fittingly, the “R” in Magnum R stands for “Rosado.” Flavors of leather, cedar, cayenne, and black pepper emerge before a signature Fuente finish resonates with hints of sweetness and nuts. Magnum R is another 94-rated, in-demand blend and an illustrious specimen of classic Rosado taste.
5. Perdomo Habano Sun Grown
Brand founder Nick Perdomo is famous for blending Perdomo cigars in a number of popular wrapper alternatives. His Perdomo Habano series is available in a Sun Grown Rosado wrapper cultivated on his estates in Nicaragua. After the tobaccos have been aged for six years, Nick matures the wrapper leaves in a bourbon barrel for another 10 months. The resulting flavors include oak, almonds, and mesquite with a peppery finish. Perdomo Habano Sun Grown is handmade in a collection of bigger ring gauge shapes and is one of the best Perdomo cigars you can smoke today.