Top 5 La Aroma de Cuba Cigars
The first La Aroma de Cuba cigars originated in Cuba in the late 1800s, and they bear the distinction of being early favorites of Winston Churchill. In the fall of 1895, Churchill, a young second lieutenant in the British Army, arrived in Cuba with his friend, Reggie Barnes, to observe the Cuban War of Independence, also called the Spanish-American War during the final months of conflict. Churchill and Barnes embedded with Spanish troops attempting to suppress independence fighters. Although the pair was only there a matter of weeks, they took on fire, ate copious amounts of oranges, and smoked dozens of cigars, particularly from the Romeo y Julieta and La Aroma de Cuba brands. Churchill’s love affair with fine cigars would last the rest of his life.
While Romeo y Julieta cigars have maintained a consistent presence in cigar retailers since mid-1800s, La Aroma de Cuba cigars had fallen out of commerce at some point in the early 1900s but have gone through a substantial revival over the past twenty years. The trademarks were acquired by the Levin family, the owners of Ashton cigars, who relaunched the brand in the early 2000s. Today, La Aroma de Cuba is again at the vanguard of the finest cigar brands and is sold in premium cigar shops around the world. La Aroma de Cuba cigars are handmade in Estelí, Nicaragua, where they are blended by famous father-and-son cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia from the richest tobaccos grown on an extensive network of family estates. Savor some of the best Nicaraguan cigars available today by smoking the top La Aroma de Cuba cigars.
1. La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor
Following its debut in 2010, La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor earned the ‘#2 Cigar of the Year’ ranking in Cigar Aficionado with a 95-point rating. An oily San Andrés wrapper leaf conceals a hearty interior of premium binder and filler tobaccos cultivated on Garcia family estates and matured to achieve optimal smoothness. Complex notes of dark chocolate, almond, and espresso reveal hints of coconut and an ample foundation of cracked black pepper. Mi Amor oscillates between spicy and sweet taste in several traditional shapes in one of the most versatile Nicaraguan cigars ever created.
2. La Aroma de Cuba Pasión
La Aroma de Cuba Pasión is the newest edition to the brand’s portfolio and stands out with a flavorful and rare Shade Grown wrapper cultivated on a private 300-acre Garcia family estate in Nicaragua’s Namanji region, where a unique microclimate influences every crop with warm, sunny afternoons and cool evenings. Tasting notes of smoked cashew, leather, cedar, and molasses escort a wealth of signature Nicaraguan spices in six classic sizes. Every leaf of tobacco receives a meticulous triple fermentation to ensure unparalleled balance.
3. La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial
The 94-rated La Aroma de Cuba Edicion Especial has made numerous appearances in Cigar Aficionado’s annual ‘Top 25’ list, and its bold but silky profile continues to impress critics and seasoned connoisseurs. A deep, golden-brown Ecuador Habano wrapper leaf harbors a premium, well-aged blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers in six traditional shapes. Notes of smoked almond, coffee bean, leather, and cocoa layer the palate with prominent spices before a significant finish prevails.
4. La Aroma de Cuba Reserva
La Aroma de Cuba Reserva is decadent, refined, and rated 94 points in Cigar Aficionado. A dark and lustrous San Andrés Oscuro wrapper envelops a bold but ultra-smooth marriage of select Nicaraguan long-fillers in a premium series perfect for smoking after dinner. A resonant profile of dark chocolate, hickory, espresso, and leather unveils spicy undertones in six ruminant sizes you’ll want to savor with a vintage bourbon or Port. Reserva is voluptuous and a touch sweet from beginning to end.
5. La Aroma de Cuba
The original La Aroma de Cuba is rated 94 points by the critics in Cigar Aficionado and remains the bestselling blend with its succulent profile of cedar, cocoa, and molasses. Earthy spices punctuate the flavor in nine classic sizes drawn from a toothy Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and a vintage blend of premium Nicaraguan long-fillers. La Aroma de Cuba represents one of today’s best value cigars and was ranked as the ‘#1 Best Buy’ in the industry for the second time in 2024.