Hanukkah Cigars & Cigar Accessories
The holidays are the best time of the year to impress friends and relatives who smoke cigars with a cigar assortment, a box of his or her favorite brand, or a cigar accessory. If you’ve got a cigar lover who loves to fire up during the festival of lights, eight days and eight nights of gift-giving equals plenty of chances to give the gift of cigars. If you really want to wow your favorite aficionado, consider giving cigars every night of Hanukkah. Here are eight amazing cigar gifts you can add to your Hanukkah shopping list this year.
Ashton 5-Cigar Assortment
Five top-rated Dominican cigars blended by legendary cigar-maker Carlito Fuente comprise the Ashton 5-Cigar Assortment. Aficionados love this collection for the versatile, approachable, and critically acclaimed cigars it includes. Tasting notes of cedar, cashews, almonds, leather, earth, cocoa, and spices emerge courtesy of the finest aged Dominican tobaccos blended beneath premium wrapper varietals. A 10-cigar Ashton sampler is also available, which includes two different sizes of each cigar. An assortment from Ashton guarantees to please this holiday season.
La Aroma de Cuba Fresh Pack Sampler
Five classic Nicaraguan cigars blended by award-winning cigar-maker Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia are sealed in a convenient humidified sleeve, perfect if you’re buying cigars well ahead of the holidays and you need to keep them fresh. The original 93-rated La Aroma de Cuba joins the 94-rated Edicion Especial, 94-rated Reserva, and the 95-rated Mi Amor in two popular shapes. Notes of wood, leather, espresso beans, nuts, and spices characterize an unrivaled lineup. The La Aroma de Cuba Fresh Pack Sampler keeps its contents fresh for up to one year.
San Cristobal ‘Paradise’ Assortment
Indulgent profiles of hickory, caramel, leather, cocoa, white pepper, and cayenne are found in the San Cristobal ‘Paradise’ Assortment. A reliable San Cristobal Jetline Torch Lighter is included with five bestselling medium to full-bodied Nicaraguan cigars, including the original 93-rated San Cristobal, two sizes of the 93-rated Revelation, 95-rated Quintessence, and the 91-rated Elegancia. It’s easy to dazzle a cigar connoisseur with a top-shelf collection blended by Pepin Garcia in an attractive gift box.
Padron 1926 Series Sampler
The prestigious reputation of Padron includes dozens of top ratings and rankings in Cigar Aficionado’s annual ‘Top 10 Cigars of the Year.’ Watch the eyes of your favorite aficionado light up when you give him a Padron 1926 Series Sampler. Four popular box-pressed shapes are blended from premium reserves of Padron’s finest Nicaraguan tobaccos aged for a minimum of eight years. Tasting notes of cedar, cocoa, cayenne pepper, and baking spices resonate with silky, rich aroma. The sampler is also available in a toothy Maduro wrapper.
Sporty Torch Lighter
Cigar lovers go nuts for new lighters. Shop all kinds of sporty, high-performance torch lighters like the Xikar HP3 Triple Torch Lighter and the Lotus Duke-V Triple Torch. Some models feature a built-in cigar cutter and a lifetime warranty. Others are designed with wind-resistant double, triple, or quadruple jet flames.
Razor-Sharp Cigar Cutter
A new cigar cutter always makes a great gift. Cigar cutters come in three varieties: straight (guillotine), punch cutters, and V-cutters. Each will cut a premium cigar with a different style of blade to create a specific draw. Among the most popular models are the Xikar Xi1 Cutter, Xikar XO Cutter, or the Xikar VX2 V-Cutter.
Classic Ashtray
A cigar ashtray is an overlooked gift. Dozens of classic ashtrays like the Ashton Oval Crystal Ashtray, Arturo Fuente ‘Journey Through Time’ Ashtray, and San Cristobal Oval Crystal Ashtray add tremendous appeal to a cigar-friendly room. Get your favorite aficionado the perfect ashtray for smoking cigars with friends on poker night or at the picnic table in the backyard.
New Humidor
There are several traditional and exotic finishes to choose from when you’re in the market for a new humidor for a gift. Savoy manufactures humidors in a wide array of traditional and exotic finishes like the popular Mesquite color. Accommodate 25, 50, or 100 cigars depending on the size of your cigar lover’s collection. Savoy also produces a higher-end series called the Executive, made from solid cedar hardwoods. The Savoy Executive Santos Rosewood Humidor is one of the bestsellers.