Top 8 Habano Cigars
When you hear the term Habano in today’s cigar industry, it doesn’t simply refer to a Cuban cigar. In the U.S. market, Habano identifies a cigar rolled with a Cuban-seed wrapper. Habano is one of the primary ways we distinguish a cigar’s wrapper among other common varietals, including Connecticut Shade, Connecticut Broadleaf, Candela, Cameroon, and San Andrés. Although Cuban-seed wrappers are grown in a variety of countries and regions today, the most common is Ecuador. The term Habano by itself often means Ecuador Habano. Here are eight extraordinary Habano-wrapped cigars you should try.
1. San Cristobal
The original San Cristobal blend is a strong and woody smoke finished in an especially dark Cuban-seed wrapper, grown in Ecuador, which is an Oscuro wrapper – a leaf from the upper section of the tobacco plant that is grown under direct sunlight. This extra-hearty leaf surrounds vintage Nicaraguan long-fillers grown and blended by José ‘Pepin’ Garcia in a profile of espresso bean, wood, and black pepper with a resounding undercurrent of black cherry and dark chocolate notes.
2. My Father Le Bijou 1922
My Father Le Bijou 1922 is rated 97 points and was ranked as the ‘#1 Cigar of the Year’ by the critics in Cigar Aficionado in 2015. This potent and spicy smoke is handmade in five traditional cigar sizes that impart notes of leather, earth, dark cocoa, and espresso bean with loads of black pepper in every puff. My Father Le Bijou 1922 is also drawn from a dark and oily Ecuador Habano Oscuro wrapper and well-aged Nicaraguan long-fillers, but the spice is noticeably more intense in this award-winning smoke.
3. Ashton Symmetry
Legendary cigar-maker Carlito Fuente blends Ashton Symmetry from an intricate recipe of Dominican and Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos tucked under an oily Ecuador Habano Rosado wrapper. Rosado, or rose-colored, wrappers are known for their reddish-brown color. Ashton Symmetry is full-bodied and very complex, delivering strong notes of Turkish fig, coffee bean, and baking spices with an ample amount of pepper. Savor a long and tangy finish in five classic sizes from this unrivaled, 94-rated blend.
4. La Aroma de Cuba Edición Especial
La Aroma de Cuba Edición Especial is also blended by José ‘Pepin’ Garcia at the My Father Cigars factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. This spicy Nicaraguan smoke is drawn from binder and filler tobaccos grown on Garcia family estates in Estelí, Jalapa, and Namanji. An oily, cocoa-brown Ecuador Habano wrapper completes a medium to full-bodied profile of smoked almond, cocoa, leather, and coffee bean recognized for its Cubanesque flavor and aroma. Following its debut, Edición Especial earned a 94-point rating and a ‘Top 5’ ranking in Cigar Aficionado.
5. Oliva Serie V
Oliva Serie V cigars are credited with elevating the Oliva brand to a new level of popularity. This peppery, 95-rated blend consists of premium Nicaraguan long-fillers assembled under a thick and lustrous Ecuador Habano wrapper in an intense but balanced profile. Pronounced flavors of coffee bean, earth, spice, and leather meld throughout a heavy finish in several traditional sizes.
6. Arturo Fuente Chateau Fuente Sun Grown
Arturo Fuente Chateau Fuente is one of the most famous Dominican blends in the world, and the Sun Grown wrapper is a superb example of a Cuban-seed wrapper drawn over premium Dominican long-filler tobaccos, all of which are aged and blended by Carlito Fuente. You can anticipate a vibrant profile of coffee bean and spice with subtly creamy intonations in every puff.
7. Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour
Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour delivers distinct flavor and aroma due to a special blend of San Andrés binder tobaccos, long-fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, and an upper-priming Ecuador Habano wrapper leaf. Because some of the tobacco is aged in single malt Scotch barrels for six months, hints of whiskey influence the taste of this woody and peppery smoke from the top-shelf Davidoff brand.
8. Old Henry
Old Henry cigars are blended and produced at the My Father factory exclusively for Holt’s, and this complex profile is beloved by aficionados for its consistency and price. A leathery brown Ecuador Habano wrapper leaf covers vintage Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos in several classic sizes. Full-bodied notes of cedar, earth, and spices layer the palate while a decadent room-note emerges. The original Old Henry blend has been around for years and is a phenomenal choice when you’re looking for a new cigar to add to your regular rotation.
More Habano Cigars
There are dozens and dozens of premium cigars blended with a Cuban-seed wrapper today, and they all offer unique flavor and aroma. Browse our full menu of Habano cigars and discover plenty of options that meet your preferences for taste and price from today’s top cigar-makers.