Creamy Cigars: Our Top 10 Picks
Cigar smokers love creamy cigars. Creamy is commonly used to describe a cigar’s flavor profile and has as much to do with texture as it does with taste. Often creamy cigars are mild but not always. They are not abrasive, bitter, or too spicy. Creamy cigars tend to be nutty, even buttery. Because they’re easygoing, the best creamy cigars are great for new cigar lovers who don’t want to smoke cigars that are too strong. But make no mistake, seasoned aficionados love creamier profiles just as much. Here are the top creamy cigars you should smoke today.
1. Ashton Classic
The premium Dominican taste of Ashton Classic is king when it comes to a creamy profile. For more than three decades, the Fuente family has been blending Ashton from the finest Dominican binder and filler tobaccos beneath a silky Connecticut Shade wrapper. Tasting notes of cashew, cedar, coffee bean, and crème brûlée coat the palate with sumptuous flavor. Discover a 92-rated blend that impresses new cigar lovers and seasoned connoisseurs equally.
2. Arturo Fuente Chateau Series
Quality, consistency, and value characterize the bestselling Arturo Fuente Chateau Series. A golden-blond Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf harbors a mellow blend of premium Dominican long-fillers. Notes of cedar, almond, and buttered toast arouse the senses with a touch of spice in this world-famous smoke. Anticipate luscious taste and aroma from the first puff to the last in an array of flawless formats. Each cigar is finished in a cedar sleeve to ensure optimal flavor during the aging process.
3. La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut
When La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut cigars debuted in 2023, they soared to the top of the sales charts and garnered plenty of praise from the critics in addition to a 92-point rating in Cigar Aficionado. Renowned father-and-son cigarmakers Pepin and Jaime Garcia created a mellow blend of vintage Nicaraguan long-fillers under a blond Ecuador Connecticut wrapper. Notes of almond, cedar, cashew, and coffee bean mingle with hints of buttercream throughout a luscious smoke you can enjoy any time of the day.
4. San Cristobal Elegancia
Tasting notes of coffee bean, cashew, almond, and white pepper characterize San Cristobal Elegancia, which comes in six classic shapes. José ‘Pepin’ Garcia blends this bestselling collection from select Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos and a blond Connecticut-seed wrapper cultivated in Ecuador. A creamy, mild to medium-bodied finish emerges with perfect texture and aroma. Savor an excellent introduction to Nicaraguan cigars from one of the industry’s foremost cigarmakers.
5. Oliva Connecticut Reserve
The top-rated Oliva portfolio is full of zesty and intense flavor profiles, but the approachable taste of Connecticut Reserve is popular because it’s the kind of cigar you can smoke any time of the day. An Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf hugs a refined blend of premium Nicaraguan long-fillers in several traditional formats. A tangy sweetness accompanies notes of nougat, baking spices, wood, and almond.
6. Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne
Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne is the top-selling Perdomo cigar of all time. Brand founder Nick Perdomo blends Champagne in a series of bigger ring-gauge shapes drawn from Cuban-seed Nicaraguan long-fillers and a chestnut-blond Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf. A medium-bodied profile culminates with floral and woody notes and a touch of graham cracker. Hints of black pepper surface in a finish that tastes great with a cold pitcher of beer.
7. Montecristo
This classic Cuban-legacy brand displays silky flavor and aroma in a mild profile of cedar, hay, and coffee bean with a touch of honey around the edges. Montecristo is an easy brand to seek out because of its historic Cuban reputation and its availability. A light-tan Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf conceals a mellow blend of aged Dominican binder and filler tobaccos. Montecristo No. 2 has been the brand’s most popular shape for decades, but you can smoke the original blend in many classic sizes.
8. Macanudo Café
Macanudo Café makes it onto our list of the top creamy cigars simply due to its iconic reputation and widespread distribution. Because you can find Macanudo in almost every corner where cigars are sold, the brand continues to be a first cigar for an infinite number of newcomers. Its mild and creamy profile of nuts, fresh bread, and vanilla bean with a hint of spice makes a great first impression. A Connecticut Shade wrapper cradles long fillers from the Dominican Republic and Mexico. Indulge in a creamy classic with Macanudo Café.
9. Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real
The Cuban-legacy portfolio of Romeo y Julieta includes Reserva Real – a medium-bodied, bestselling blend handcrafted in the Dominican Republic. A seamless Connecticut-seed wrapper, grown in Ecuador, conceals a complex array of Dominican and Nicaraguan long-fillers. Toasty and nutty notes of oak and baking spices accompany delightful aroma throughout a mellow, balanced finish.
10. Nub Connecticut
Nub cigars are insanely popular for their short, fat sizes, and the most popular Nub blends are finished in a Connecticut-seed wrapper. Nub Connecticut is blended with a chunky interior of premium Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos beneath a smooth and silky Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf. Notes of almond, cashew, and white pepper converge in the bestselling sizes of Nub cigars. Their big ring gauges guarantee a cool, easy draw and slow burn.