10 Best Cigars Under $10
Ten bucks is the sweet spot to spend on a premium cigar for a ton of aficionados. There are so many popular top-rated cigars for under $10, it’s easy to combine variety and value in your cigar collection. Plus, you can score a big discount when you’re buying a full box of your favorite brand during one of our daily Holt’s deals. Here are the best cigars you can buy for less than $10 right now.
1. La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor was awarded 95 points and ranked as the ‘#2 Cigar of the Year’ in Cigar Aficionado following its debut. The blend is handmade from an oily San Andrés wrapper and a premium recipe of Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos. Taste the unsurpassed hallmarks of flavor and value from celebrated cigar-maker Pepin Garcia in a La Aroma de Cuba classic. Notes of dark chocolate, almond, espresso, and black pepper converge in a complex profile that’s a touch sweet.
2. Arturo Fuente Hemingway
Arturo Fuente Hemingway is a legendary cigar drawn from a toothy Cameroon wrapper and a well-aged blend of premium Dominican binder and filler tobaccos blended by Carlito Fuente. Tasting notes of coffee bean, cedar, nutmeg, and spice arrive in an excellent collection of Perfectos that comprise one of the most popular cigars ever created. You’re guaranteed to get the most bang for under ten bucks from the 94-rated Hemingway when you’re in search of world-class taste and consistency.
3. Flor de las Antillas
Popular father-and-son cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia earned their first ‘#1 Cigar of the Year’ title with the 96-rated Flor de las Antillas in 2012. The all-Nicaraguan blend is drafted from a gingerbread-hued Sun Grown wrapper leaf and a medium to full-bodied amalgam of select binder and filler tobaccos grown on Garcia family estates. A profile of leather, wood, cayenne, cinnamon, and black pepper precedes a zesty finish beginning at under $7 apiece. Flor de las Antillas represents an unparalleled alliance of price and prestige.
4. San Cristobal Elegancia
A golden-blond Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf embraces a nutty and spicy recipe of premium Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos in an array of classic sizes blended by Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia. Tasting notes of almonds, cedar, coffee beans, and white pepper meld in an approachable and rich 91-rated profile beginning for just over $6 per cigar.
5. Don Pepin Garcia Original
Don Pepin Garcia Original is an early hit from master cigar-maker Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia when he left Cuba for the States and set up a small cigar factory in Miami’s Little Havana in the early 2000s. Also called the DPG Blue Label, the Original laid the groundwork for the top-rated My Father portfolio and has no shortage admirers with its robust profile of cocoa bean, cedar, black pepper, and cayenne with hints of nuts. An oily reddish-brown Corojo Oscuro wrapper leaf embraces a mature core of premium Nicaraguan long-fillers.
6. Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne
Among the bestselling cigars in the Perdomo portfolio is Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne. A light-tan Ecuador Connecticut wrapper hugs a well-aged recipe of Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos in a series of slightly thicker shapes starting just past $7 apiece. Tasting notes of white pepper, cedar, molasses, and cashews mingle in a series of formats handmade in Estel, Nicaragua to the exacting specifications of brand founder Nick Perdomo.
7. Oliva Serie O
Oliva Serie O is a 94-rated medium-bodied gem handmade in a series of traditional formats. An oily Nicaraguan wrapper leaf harnesses an earthy and luscious blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers handcrafted in the brand’s modern cigar factory in Estelí, Nicaragua. Tasting notes of cocoa, cedar, nuts, maple, and wood culminate in a Cubanesque profile starting at $6-7 per cigar.
8. Romeo y Julieta 1875
The famous Cuban-legacy brand Romeo y Julieta 1875 is handmade from a caramel-hued Indonesian wrapper leaf and an ample blend of Dominican binder and filler tobaccos. Several traditional shapes deliver a profile of coffee beans, cedar, chestnuts, and pepper. Heritage and affordability come together starting between $7 and $8 per cigar in the historic Romeo y Julieta portfolio.
9. Nub Connecticut
Nothing compares to Nub if you love short fat cigars. Four top-selling blends are handmade at the award-winning Oliva factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, and the Connecticut blend is the most popular. Cameroon, Habano, Maduro, and Corojo wrapper varietals complete the Nub collection which starts between $6 and $7 per cigar. Notes of almonds, cedar, cocoa, and fresh-ground coffee layer the palate in a series of slow, cool-burning draws in the Connecticut blend.
10. Rocky Patel The Edge
Rocky Patel The Edge is available in a 90-rated Corojo wrapper and a 92-rated Maduro in four well-made shapes that start at $6-7 per cigar. On the inside of each, a hearty recipe of premium Nicaraguan long-fillers blesses the senses with a plethora of spicy and leathery flavors of cayenne and hickory. The Maduro wrapper shows off a touch more sweetness, while the Corojo is earthy and peppery from beginning to end.