Best St. Patrick's Day Cigars
It’s not surprising green cigars are the official smokes for St. Patrick’s Day. It sounds novel, but it’s actually an opportunity to call attention to an often overlooked cigar wrapper: Candela. The Candela wrapper is green and it is not a gimmick. Candela cigars have been around for many decades. The first Candelas were created by accident in Cuba in the 1940s, but the wrapper achieved popularity for its mild, grassy taste. Candela cigars occupy a smaller niche today, but there are a handful of high-quality blends to consider. Go green with the best St. Patrick’s Day cigars you can buy now.
1. Arturo Fuente Claro
Taste the nuances of an authentic Candela wrapper from the brand that blends the finest Dominican cigars in the world. A mellow and creamy blend of premium Dominican long-fillers rests beneath the bright green sheen of well-aged Candela leaf. Notes of peppers, cashews, and coffee beans characterize Arturo Fuente Claro cigars in a range of classic shapes. Indulge in signature Fuente spices with the unusual twist a Candela wrapper offers.
2. Rocky Patel Mulligans Fairway Edition
The top-selling Rocky Patel Mulligans portfolio is loaded with some of the finest cigars Rocky Patel has ever blended. Because he produces so many new cigars every year, Rocky releases several blends for a fraction of the price under his golf-themed Mulligans label. It’s entirely befitting to consider a green cigar for your next tee time. The Fairway Edition is drafted from a premium recipe of long-fillers beneath a glistening Candela. A pleasant profile of white pepper, almonds, green tea, and toast layers the palate. Discover an unbelievable number of unique cigars in Rocky’s golf-themed Mulligans brand, including this versatile Candela blend.
3. Don Lino Casa Verde
Don Lino deliver the goods with a shimmering green Candela wrapper in Casa Verde. Well-aged Dominican binder and filler tobaccos lie beneath the grassy cover leaf in a classic Churchill shape. A buttery and mild profile of fresh tea, pine needles, pepper, and honey propels the senses to an utter state of satisfaction before a lush, approachable finish sets in. You can’t beat the price, either. Add a 20-count bundle to your coolerdor before you put a St. Patrick’s Day herf on the calendar.
4. Argyle Candela
Argyle is home to some of the best-tasting cigars you’ll encounter for the price. Argyle Candela is handcrafted by artisanal cigar rollers in the Dominican Republic from a creamy and smooth concoction of premium long-filler tobaccos. The draw and burn are perfect and the flavor merits much praise. Notes of cedar, honey, and grass accentuate the blend’s cool, creamy texture and aroma from beginning to end. Order a green beer to sip on while you fire up an Argyle Candela.
5. Rocky Patel The Edge Candela
Rocky Patel’s popular series called The Edge was conceived as hearty value-based blend. Over the years, Rocky has added a collection of wrappers to the franchise, including a Candela. Tasting notes of green tea, hay, and blonde roast coffee beans precede a buttery, easygoing finish. An eventful blend of Honduran long-fillers lies beneath the light-green wrapper leaf.
6. Angry Elf
If novelty is what you crave in a St. Patrick’s Day cigar, look no further than the leprechaun-clad band on Angry Elf. You get much more, though. Angry Elf is available in ultra-affordable 20-count bundles in a trio of classic shapes. Beneath its emerald wrapper leaf is a balanced and well-made blend of premium Dominican and Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos. A sweet and grassy profile of earth and tea leaves hosts a touch of spice. Easily impress your pals with the taste, aroma, and, of course, the bands when you break out a bundle of Angry Elf to share with everyone during your St. Patrick’s Day bash.