Best Aromatic Cigars
There is no more powerful a catalyst to smoke a cigar than its aroma. When somebody is smoking a good cigar nearby, you can’t help but want one yourself. A cigar’s flavor and aroma are inseparable because our taste and olfactory senses are naturally linked.
When we discuss a cigar’s aroma, we’re talking about its room note – the smell you perceive from the smoke a cigar produces after it’s lit. The easiest way to fully perceive the room note of a premium cigar is to be in the presence of someone who is smoking it, as opposed to smoking it yourself. That’s not to say you can’t pick up a cigar’s aroma while you’re smoking. But, you can wholly isolate a cigar’s aroma from its taste when you’re not smoking it yourself.
When we discuss “aromatic” cigars, we’re exclusively referring to traditional, premium handmade cigars that carry a desirable natural aroma. We are NOT talking about flavored cigars, infused cigars, or any cigars manufactured with artificial flavorings, casings, or ingredients. It’s possible to perceive meaningful differences between the best aromatic cigars and the best tasting cigars. In both cases, traditional premium cigars are blended from all natural tobaccos that have been cultivated and fermented for an extended period of time by accomplished cigar-makers. Let’s take a look at the cigars with the best aromas you can smoke today.
1. Ashton Symmetry
Ashton Symmetry exudes remarkable aromas because its intricate blend of tobaccos is drawn from different regions. A Cuban-seed wrapper grown in Ecuador encompasses a full-bodied amalgam of Dominican and Nicaraguan long-fillers aged for optimal smoothness by legendary cigar-maker Carlito Fuente. Hearth-like aromas of cedar, fresh ground coffee, cinnamon, and leather emanate before a sweet zest punctuates a luxurious finish.
2. Arturo Fuente Hemingway Maduro
Silky and tantalizing streams of smoke trail off the foot of Arturo Fuente Hemingway Maduro with hypnotic allure. An oily Connecticut Broadleaf gently embraces a premium interior of aged Dominican binder and filler tobaccos in a collection of expertly crafted Figurados. Broadleaf wrappers are naturally sweet, but Hemingway is special because its room note harbors heavenly nuances of dark chocolate, wood, and spices, making it one of the best aromatic cigars.
3. La Aroma de Cuba Reserva
La Aroma de Cuba Reserva kindles like a cozy fireplace in your hand with its powerful bouquet of sweetened hickory, leather, mesquite, and pepper. An especially dark San Andrés Oscuro wrapper shimmers over a potent core of vintage Nicaraguan tobaccos blended by Pepin Garcia in Estelí, Nicaragua. Its dense and creamy aromas immediately rouse a yearning for premium taste in a 94-rated gem best enjoyed with an old, peaty scotch.
4. Padrón 1964 Anniversary Maduro
A prestigious blend of Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos is tucked beneath a toothy Nicaraguan Maduro wrapper leaf in several classic box-pressed shapes. One of the most popular Padrón cigars is the 1964 Anniversary Maduro due to its sweet and smoky flavors of hot cocoa, black pepper, cedar, cinnamon, and fresh coffee. When the scent of a Padrón hangs in the air, getting one for yourself quickly becomes a priority.
5. San Cristobal
Award-winning cigar-makers Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia and Jaime Garcia draft San Cristobal from select tobaccos grown in the rich volcanic soils of their family’s prized Nicaraguan estates. An oily Cuban-seed Oscuro wrapper tops off the blend. A hearty room note of spices, wood, and earth causes heads to swivel with a few wafts. San Cristobal cloaks any cigar-friendly room with a generous zest before its bold, penetrating aftertaste lulls you into an utter state of bliss.