Top 10 Best Cigars For Women
What makes it a woman’s cigar? The size (petite)? The blend (mild or flavored)? The band (pink and floral)? The truth is, none of the above. Cigars are not gender-specific. Although stereotypes exist when it comes to women who smoke cigars, they aren’t as prevalent as they were once upon a time.
As much as we associate cigars with masculinity, women play a significant role in the premium cigar industry and they always have. Women can be found at every juncture of cigar-making, from cultivating and harvesting tobacco in the fields to the processes of bunching, rolling, and packaging premium cigars at the factory.
Women also occupy critical leadership roles at prominent cigar companies like Arturo Fuente, where Carlito Fuente’s sister, Cynthia Fuente, and his daughter, Liana Fuente, have been actively involved in the family business for many years. Like many successful cigar-makers, Pepin Garcia relies heavily on his entire family in running My Father Cigars, especially his daughter, Janny Garcia, who travels around the country hosting several events throughout the year. Lisette Perez-Carrillo, daughter of award-winning cigar-maker Ernesto Perez-Carrillo, is an equal partner and the face of their E.P. Carrillo brand.
With so many women involved in the cigar business and the growing number of female cigar lovers, it seems silly to entertain any taboos related to women and cigar smoking. That’s why we focus exclusively on quality, taste, and aroma when suggesting a list of the top 10 cigars for women. If you’re a woman who’s getting into premium cigars, the following blends and sizes serve as an excellent introduction.
Iconic Cigars Women Love to Smoke
#1 - Ashton Cabinet Selection Tres Petite (4.375 x 42)
Creamy, rich and nutty tasting notes of cashews, cedar, and silky spices characterize a well-aged blend of tobaccos in Ashton Cabinet Selection. A luxurious finish lingers in classic shapes like the small but splendid Tres Petite. You don’t have to set a full hour aside to access an amazing profile that easily complements gin and vodka-based cocktails and champagne.
#2 - Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story (4 x 49)
Arturo Fuente cigars are legendary across the board, but the Hemingway blend has won plenty of female admirers over the years with small but iconic shapes like the Short Story. The entire collection is handcrafted in alluring Figurado formats drawn from a glistening Cameroon wrapper leaf and an interior of premium Dominican binder and filler tobaccos. Tasting notes of cedar, coffee beans, and baking spices accompany delicious aroma. For a longer-lasting cigar, try the Signature (6 x 47).
#3 - Ashton Cordial (5 x 30)
If your heart is strictly set on a diminutive shape, Ashton Cordial delivers a ten-minute taste of premium Dominican tobaccos with impressive tasting notes. Cedar, almonds, cashews, and signature Dominican spices converge in a quick and mellow shape that doesn’t overwhelm like larger traditional dimensions can. Ashton Cordial serves as a great introduction to premium Dominican taste if you want a smaller preview before you pick out a bigger shape.
Rich & Complex Cigars Women Appreciate
#4 - La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor Robusto (5 x 50)
Award-winning cigar-maker Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia relies on an exclusive blend of aged tobaccos to create La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor. An oily San Andrés wrapper marries a nutty and spicy combo of premium Nicaraguan long-fillers with versatile, complex, and savory flavors. A series of well-made box-pressed formats resonates with signature Nicaraguan spices in a refined profile of almonds, dark cocoa, espresso beans, and cracked black pepper.
#5 - Padrón 1964 Anniversary Principe (4.5 x 46)
Padrón 1964 Anniversary is a prestigious Nicaraguan cigar a number of women often taste for the first time in petite shapes like the balanced box-pressed Principe. A complex profile of cedar, cocoa, cayenne, cinnamon, and spices layers the palate with well-rounded flavor and aroma. The 94-rated blend is an ideal choice when you want to experience the award-winning Nicaraguan taste of Padrón cigars.
Smooth, Creamy, & Classic Cigars for Women
#6 - Ashton Panetela (6 x 36)
The tasteful slender shape of Ashton Classic in a Panetela exemplifies premium Dominican flavor with its silky profile of cedar, nuts, coffee beans, and black pepper. An elegant, luscious finish develops in a well-made collection. Women easily appreciate Ashton cigars for their rich but delicate taste and aroma. Legendary cigar-maker Carlito Fuente has been blending Ashton to the highest standards for quality and consistency for over three decades.
#7 - Macanudo Cafe Duke of Devon (5.5 x 42)
Mellow, easygoing flavors of cashew, cedar, and spices cross paths in Macanudo Cafe in a consistent collection of classic formats including the Duke of Devon. An authentic Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf covers a creamy amalgam of premium Dominican long-fillers. For decades, the smooth and milky finish has been impressing ladies and gentlemen who prefer a mild, easy-to-find cigar. Indulge in Macanudo and taste one of the best mild cigars available today.
#8 - Davidoff Grand Cru No. 3 (5 x 43)
Taste the top-shelf reputation of Davidoff in the distinguished Gran Cru No. 3. Creamy notes of cedar, toast, oak, and nuts accompany musky aromas in a dynamic and slightly thin Corona. The brand’s European origins are reflected in traditionally thin ring gauge shapes. A light blond Ecuador Connecticut wrapper conceals a mild interior of Dominican long-fillers. The finish is mellow and offers as an approachable introduction to Dominican cigars.
#9 - Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Corona (5.5 x 44)
One of the most popular Coronas ever produced hails from the iconic Cuban-legacy brand, Romeo y Julieta in the Reserva Real blend. A golden-blond Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf hugs a sumptuous interior of Dominican and Nicaragua binder and filler tobaccos. Notes of roasted coffee beans, almonds, and cedar gather in a toasty finish with a touch of sweetness. This easygoing, luscious profile has made Romeo y Julieta a top cigar brand.
The Best Flavored Cigar for Women
#10 – Tabak Especial Corona Dulce (4.75 x 46)
For a many women, and new cigar lovers in general, a flavored cigar is a great way to get acquainted with cigar smoking because flavored cigars leave a sweet and sugary taste on your lips and your palate. The flavoring used to infuse the tobaccos adds a layer of approachability to the naturally smoky taste of a premium handmade cigar. Tabak Especial by Drew Estate is a coffee-infused cigar that delivers a ton of sweet and creamy flavor and aroma. Tasting notes of coffee, caramel, vanilla, and crème brûlée emanate from the Natural, or Dulce, blend. The Negra version is rolled with dark and succulent Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and oozes with notes of mocha and dark cocoa. Tabak Especial cigars fill the room with clouds of sweet, head-turning smoke that often entices others to smoke a cigar with you.