Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Toro Staff Review
Where do I start…? Romeo y Julieta is one of the most famous names in all of cigars. As a Cuban-heritage brand that dates back to the mid-1800s, Romeo lays claim as one of the earliest names in the world of premium cigars. Rooted in romance, Romeo y Julieta was named after the timeless Shakespeare tragedy written over 400 years ago. Over time the brand rose to prominence and became a global symbol for fine cigars thanks to its biggest fan: Winston Churchill. Today, he is recognized as the most famous cigar smoker in history and his favorite cigar size, 7 inches long with a 47 ring gauge, is universally recognized as the Churchill. Romeo y Julieta was the first brand to honor Churchill with the shape’s name.
The brand continues to grow today in terms of recognition, legacy, and demand. The Romeo cigars that are available to us here in the United States are made by hand in the Dominican Republic for the tobacco conglomerate, Altadis U.S.A. Altadis produces some of the most well-known Cuban-heritage brands, including Montecristo, H. Upmann, Trinidad, and more. Let‘s dig into the legendary taste Romeo is known for today with a Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real Toro.
Visually, the light-brown, Ecuador Connecticut wrapper appears clean and spotless. A pleasant aroma of sweet spices, fresh-cut cedar, and nuts greets the senses. I perform a precise cut before proper consumption commences.
A few cold draws cover the palate with a creamy taste backed up by notes of cashews and white pepper. Once lit, the Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos produce a smooth medium-bodied flavor with an easy draw. Little maintenance is needed to get the cigar going. As the cigar burns, a dark ash retains its shape nicely. The construction is superb.
After the first third, a bit of peppery spice is noticeable but does not disrupt Romeo’s overall notes of nuts, wood, and toasted sesame seeds with a creamy aroma.
Past the halfway point, the flavors remain even but lack complexity, leaving something to be desired. As I reach the final third and get down to the nub, the initial taste returns and gets my attention. I could easily see this cigar fitting into my morning or early afternoon rotation. It’s a great option for an afternoon on the golf course. In retrospect, I think that even with the lack of complexity, Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real is a cigar that most cigar lovers will find approachable and consistent. I will certainly smoke it again.
As a whole, the entire Romeo portfolio offers numerous profiles that suit the tastes of novices and seasoned cigar fans and run the gamut from mild, medium, and more full-bodied blends. Cigar lovers have been falling for the romance and aroma of Romeo y Julieta cigars for ages. Take Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real on your next cigar date. Enjoy!