Top Cigars You'll Want to Smoke Twice in a Row
Sometimes one just isn’t enough. That’s a sign you’re smoking an excellent cigar. Believe it or not, we encounter this scenario with new cigar lovers just as much as with diehard aficionados. Whether it’s the conversation you’re carrying on with a pal or the ambience of where you’re smoking, you want to the experience to keep going, and why switch up a cigar that’s about to go out when the taste and aroma have been so intoxicating up to this point? Here are five prominent premium cigars people routinely smoke back to back because the flavor is too tempting to put down.
#1 - Arturo Fuente Hemingway Short Story
Preceded by an unrivaled reputation, Arturo Fuente Hemingway has been around for decades. The intriguing, petit shape of the Short Story inspires curiosity with its bulbous but small Figuardo dimensions. New cigar lovers love trying it and sophisticated smokers easily appreciate its stunning recipe of approachable Dominican binder and filler tobaccos blended beneath a sweet and spicy Cameroon wrapper leaf. Carlito Fuente created a profile of cedar and coffee beans with a hint of sweetness and cinnamon notes that provokes aficionados to reach for a second round without hesitation.
#2 - Ashton Cabinet Selection #6
Ashton Cabinet Selection #6 reflects the pinnacle of creamy, easygoing Dominican taste with an exclusive blend of premium aged binder and filler leaves gently paired under a glistening Connecticut Shade wrapper. Notes of cashews, almonds, and cedar display a touch of honey-like sweetness around the edges in a cool-burning 5.5 x 50 format. Because every leaf of tobacco in Ashton Cabinet is aged for optimal flavor, it’s completely feasible to smoke a second Robusto if you weren’t convinced to fire up a larger size in the first place. Ashton Cabinet is a favorite on the golf course or any occasion where you can indulge for an extended period of time.
#3 - La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut Rothschild
La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut is blended in several traditional sizes, including a 5-by-50 Rothschild that’s easy to savor in back-to-back cigars. A golden and silky Connecticut-seed wrapper, grown in Ecuador, covers a moderate blend of premium Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos matured for perfect taste. Notes of almond, cedar, cashew, and coffee bean layer the palate throughout a creamy, mellow smoke blended by José ‘Pepin’ Garcia.
#4 - Padron 1964 Anniversary Exclusivo
The prestigious reputation of Padron 1964 Anniversary entices tons of cigar lovers, many of whom start off with the Exclusivo’s sharp box-pressed Robusto shape. It’s a little less expensive than some of the more extravagant sizes in the brand’s lauded portfolio, but it carries an equal amount of appeal. The all-Nicaraguan blend is handmade to furnish a rich profile of cocoa, cinnamon, cedar, and cayenne pepper. Every leaf of tobacco is aged for a six-year minimum and the cigar’s well-cultivated taste tempts many to have another by the time they’re taking the band off the first one.
#5 - San Cristobal Revelation Legend
San Cristobal Revelation is drawn from a vintage Ecuador Sumatra wrapper leaf and a luscious interior of extensively aged binder and filler tobaccos grown on prized Garcia family estates in Nicaragua. The soft box-pressed 6.25 x 52 Toro-sized shape of Legend delivers a marvelous profile of caramel, black pepper, and coffee bean notes with abounding hints of cocoa and nuts. Its versatile finish persuades a plethora of cigar lovers to sample Revelation with a variety of spirits, including whiskey, craft beer, and rum, easily making it a two-cigar evening.