Romeo y Julieta 1875 Staff Review
If you have not been living under a rock your entire life, then you must have heard of Romeo y Julieta cigars. The brand dates back to the mid-1800s in Havana, Cuba, however the Romeo cigars that are readily available for purchase in the United States (thanks to the Cuban Embargo) are handmade in the Dominican Republic.
Romeo y Julieta 1875 is a cigar that I would pass over time and time again because I often prefer stronger cigars. It’s been quite a while since I’ve smoked the mild and approachable profile of a Dominican Romeo, so today is a good time to revisit the brand.
Not many cigars on the market today feature Indonesian wrappers because of their delicate nature; however, Romeo y Julieta 1875 wears one proudly. The marbled wrapper conceals a blend of hand-selected Dominican binder and filler tobaccos. The pre-light aroma reveals notes of light earth and hay, while the cold draw takes a different path. Leather, light pepper and smooth, buttery notes linger on the cold taste.
As I light up, an acidic citrus flavor and a bit of saltiness kicks in. Thankfully, after about a half inch, the profile smooths out nicely. A background pepper flavor is perfectly balanced by a creamy, earthy profile. Light notes of cedar poke through every few puffs.
As I move into the middle portion of Romeo y Julieta 1875, coffee notes enter and almost completely eliminate the peppery undertones. Around the halfway mark of the cigar, a strong, overpowering leather flavor enters the fold with a light, nutty hint. The final third is stellar. Leather and cedar notes are the main focus while the spicy nuttiness stays in the background. The finish is so good, I’m honestly debating lighting up a second one now.
The construction of Romeo y Julieta 1875 is also pretty good. The burn was wavy for the majority of the cigar, but it did eventually correct itself. I did not have to perform any touch-ups with my lighter. The draw was a bit too loose for my liking, but I prefer a draw on the tighter side. There was a good amount of smoke production that gave off a fantastic aroma. Strength hovered around a 3 out of 10, putting it right on the mild/medium line.
In the morning, if I am looking for that change of pace, I will no longer glance over this cigar. I actually grabbed another one to smoke tomorrow morning with some coffee. Given the flavors this Romeo y Julieta 1875 produced, I have a strong suspicion that coffee will be a perfect pairing. Do yourself a favor and grab a few of these. I highly recommend the Robusto Larga size if you have about an hour to sit down and relax.