Best Cigar Bundle Deals in 2022
As the adage goes, “you don’t smoke the boxes, folks!” One of the first things we think about when it comes to cigars is a box. Packaging cigars in boxes dates back to around 1830 in Cuba courtesy of H. Upmann – a cigar brand born out of a banking enterprise. The company began sending cigars from Cuba to its staff in England in cedar boxes which they discovered prevented the cigars from drying out, in addition to repelling beetles. Boxes were also a convenient tool for branding and marketing to consumers as the company could put its logo on every box which added appeal to the buyer and made it easy to recognize the brand.
Many cigars also come in bundles. The emergence of cigar bundles can be traced back to the early 1960s. Originally, bundles were exclusively marketed as “value cigars,” or manufacturer’s seconds – cigars that were well-made, but may exhibit a cosmetic imperfection or two. Boxed cigars are sorted by color after they are rolled to insure a uniform visual appearance. That’s why, when you open a box of cigars, each cigar will look identical to the next, but if you open two different boxes side by side, there’s a chance that one batch of cigars may look a touch darker or lighter by comparison.
Initially, bundles were not sorted by color and presented a means to save on packaging and the labor costs tied to the cigar-sorting process. Certain machine-made cigars were also packed in bundles. Nowadays things have changed considerably. Bundles are no longer simply a home for “manufacturer defects” or less-consistent cigars. The burgeoning appetite consumers have for premium cigars is not solely relegated to boxed goods. An ever-growing selection of premium handmade cigars exists exclusively for the bundle market, which includes connoisseurs of top-shelf, premium brands, as well as shrewd value buyers looking to get the most for their buck.
Benefits of Buying Bundled Cigars
You can find inexpensive bundles of utility cigars for yardwork as well as quality brands you can pass out to your pals with without breaking the bank. Bundled cigars are cheaper than most cigars sold individually, making them great everyday cigars. They come in variety of strengths and flavor profiles for every type of cigar smoker out there. You’ll find cigars for beginners and seasoned connoisseurs in bundles. Cigar bundles belong on your shopping list. Below, we’ve outlined our top ten best bundle cigar brands.
#1 - Rocky Patel Mulligans
Rocky Patel cut his cigar-making teeth with iconic releases like the 95-rated Rocky Patel Decade and Vintage 1990. With a burgeoning brand portfolio and a number of notable accolades under his belt, Rocky is also lauded for his popular bundle franchise, Rocky Patel Mulligans. Rocky’s prolific output as a cigar-maker knows no boundaries thanks to the Mulligans brand, where Rocky continually tests out new blends and side projects and sells them for unbelievable discounts because the cigars are packaged in bundles instead of boxes.
Because Rocky’s priority has always been delivering his prolific output to the masses, he elected to forego designing boxes, in favor of a more direct approach by bundling the delectable Mulligans blends he pumps out. The strategy also saves Rocky fans a ton of their hard-earned cash thanks to unbeatable rock-bottom prices that start around $1.99 per cigar, or $39.95 for a premium bundle of 20 handcrafted Rocky Patel cigars.
With 20 distinctive Rocky Patel Mulligans blends to choose from, we recommend selecting a wrapper varietal you already know you’re a fan of. Wrapper options include Connecticut Shade, Ecuador Habano, San Andrés, Ecuador Sumatra, and more. Pick up the Rocky Patel Mulligans ‘Aces’ Collection to sample each blend first. Rocky even makes Mulligans Groundhog, a short, fat 4 x 60 shape just for fans of Nub cigars looking for a less-expensive alternative. Put Mulligans on your radar and take the easy road through Rocky country, friends!
#2 - Bella Cuba
Bella Cuba is a legendary Cuban-heritage brand that value-minded connoisseurs adore. Starting around $1.49 per cigar, Bella Cuba is among the best Sumatra-wrapped cigars when you’re on a limited budget, but it also comes in a golden-blond Connecticut Shade varietal. Both options are handcrafted over a premium Cuban sandwich recipe of filler tobaccos from the Dominican Republic.
A nice variety of classic shapes delivers notes of coffee beans, toasted nuts, almonds, and spices in a great everyday value cigar you can ride around on the lawnmower and smoke while you share the room note with Mother Nature.
#3 - Argyle Fumas
Argyle has been regarded as “The Most Trusted Name in Value Cigars” for years. The piquant and perfect-burning profile of Argyle Fumas proves the case without hesitation. Available in the original Sumatra wrapper or a silky and glistening Connecticut Shade cover leaf, Argyle Fumas conceal a tasteful amalgam of premium Cuban-style sandwich tobaccos in 20-count bundles that start at just $1.49 per cigar.
Argyle is handmade in the Dominican Republic’s premier boutique cigar factory by seasoned rollers who craft every smoke to a superlative standard. Notes of coffee with cream, cedar, earth, leather, and easy-going spices deliver a lush and palatable landscape in every puff. Add a bundle to your regular rotation for sublime smokes that are tasty, consistent, and easy on the pocketbook.
#4 - Blenders Clearinghouse
Blenders Clearinghouse is a beacon for Bargain Hunters fixated on getting big discounts without sacrificing quality or flavor. If extreme cigar-couponer sounds like a phrase that applies to you, Blenders Clearinghouse belongs in your collection.
Mild to medium-bodied notes of oak, buttered toast, and fresh-ground coffee are supplemented by approachable spices in your choice of a golden-blond Connecticut Shade wrapper varietal or a succulent Sumatra leaf. Six classic sizes deliver a razor-sharp burn and oodles of satisfaction with a premium recipe of Dominican and Nicaraguan long-fillers. Outfit your coolerdor with a 20-count bundle of Blenders Clearinghouse for rock-bottom prices beginning at just $1.99 per cigar.
#5 - Don Lino
Don Lino, a.k.a. “The Don of Discounts,” is a brand that emerged during the Cigar Boom of the 1990s to great fanfare within Nestor Miranda’s portfolio of premium cigars. Although the brand’s popularity wavered as the Cigar Boom calmed down, Don Lino took up residence in cigar shop blowout bins from coast to coast and resurfaced as a top-selling bundle brand applauded by today’s thrifty masses.
Handcrafted by artisanal cigar-makers in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, Don Lino delivers the goods with an ample supply of premium handmade bundles that start out as low as $1.99 per smoke. Deep discounts apply to every Don Lino blend, including the all-Nicaraguan original Don Lino, the rich and earthy Don Lino Dark Horse, the Candela-wrapped Don Lino Casa Verde, Don Lino Fumas, and the big and beefy Don Lino Trojan Horse.
Sumatra, Sungrown, and Cuban-seed wrapper varietals embrace a versatile collection of recipes guaranteed to satisfy everyone at your next backyard barbecue or bachelor party. Add the Don Lino ‘Diamond Club’ Monster Deal to your collection to sample the brand’s top-sellers before you commit to one blend.
#6 - Old Henry Fumadores
Old Henry cigars hail from the hands of master cigar-maker Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia in Estelí, Nicaragua, and they’re considered bona fide hidden gems by many a connoisseur. The brand is affectionately named for an old four-legged companion of your pals at Holt’s.
A trio of ultra-affordable sizes are crafted in the Old Henry Fumadores line from a premium Cuban-sandwich blend of Nicaraguan filler tobaccos cloaked in an oily Ecuador Habano wrapper. Add a reliable bundle of Old Henry Fumadores to your daily smoking rotation for a medium-bodied treat that resonates with notes of dark cocoa, cedar, and pepper from one of today’s foremost cigar-makers.
#7 - Quorum
Fill out your coolerdor’s quota for inexpensive smokes with a bundle of Quorum starting at $1.59 per cigar. Quorum is handmade in Nicaragua by the folks at J.C. Newman with a top-quality selection of long-filler tobaccos and premium aged wrappers varietals, including Ecuador Sumatra, Maduro, and Ecuador Connecticut blends.
Quorum won’t collide with a limit on your monthly cigar allowance, and you don’t have to take a step down in flavor thanks to the brand’s rich, medium-bodied profiles of dark and light cocoa, hickory, white pepper, and earthy spices.
#8 - Flor de Oliva
The award-winning Oliva brand is best-known for classic smokes like Cigar Aficionado’s 96-rated former ‘#1 Cigar of the Year,’ Oliva Serie V Melanio and the 95-rated original Oliva Serie V. Long before Oliva made the leap to the top of the charts, the brand was – and still is – beloved by curmudgeons with an endless appetite for premium handmades that taste great and satisfy a limited cigar budget.
Flor de Oliva is handcrafted at Oliva’s prestigious factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, in a delectable collection of recipes that feature Ecuador Connecticut, Connecticut Broadleaf, Corojo, and Sumatra wrapper varietals. Toasted notes of almonds, chocolate, cedar, coffee beans, and black pepper emerge in a consistent variety of traditional shapes. In addition, the plus-sized profile of Flor de Oliva Giants is designed for thrifty aficionados who like to smoke a single cigar from dawn ‘til dusk.
#9 - Villiger
Villiger’s 93-rated La Flor de Ynclan and 92-rated San’Doro Colorado tread well among enthusiasts, but the brand’s roots lie in a core collection of wallet-soothing bundles. As a European maker of machine-made cigars, Villiger set about penetrating the premium handcrafted market in the U.S. a few years ago.
Today, Villiger has gained its greatest momentum with deep discounts and a substantial bundle portfolio that includes releases handmade in both the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua. Frugal aficionados adore a number of the brand’s premium bundles like Villiger La Capitana, Trill, Cabarete, Selecto Connecticut, and 125 Habano, starting at a paltry $2.24 per cigar. A plethora of mild to medium-bodied profiles reveals notes of dried fruit, nuts, cereal, leather, earth, and pepper.
If you’ve been waiting to embark on your first Villiger bundle, give the Villiger ‘Dream Team’ Monster Deal a try for a 20-cigar collection of the brand’s bestselling blends.
#10 - Rosa Cuba
Rosa Cuba has had a place in the hearts of value fanatics for years. Choose from seven classic shapes that start at just $1.59 per cigar in a zesty Nicaraguan profile of premium Cuban-sandwich tobaccos blended beneath a gingerbread-hued Ecuador Sumatra wrapper.
Toasted notes of chestnuts, wood, and earth accompany abundant spices that won’t overwhelm throughout a chewy finish. Rosa Cuba is ideal when you’re craving cheap handmade cigars that deliver luscious aromas without inciting a panic if one rolls off the edge of the boat on your next fishing trip.
Holt’s Is Bundle Heaven
We attract so many cigar bundle buyers with our everyday low prices, customers call the cavernous discount annex in our humidified warehouse, “bundle heaven.” We’ve even got a Certified Value Nut on our payroll, Grant T., who dutifully scours the shelves for the cheapest cigars known to man. He smokes and reviews every cigar he gets his hands on, scoring each based on appearance, flavor, aroma, and price for the general cigar-buying public to make the most informed decisions prior to purchase. Shop dozens and dozens of top-notch bundles when you’ve got a big coolerdor to fill.