Best Dominican Cigar Samplers
Cigars samplers are the most popular gifts for Father’s Day, Christmas, birthdays, and other special occasions when you’ve got friends and relatives who are cigar lovers. Whether you’re buying a gift for your dad or you’re looking to expand your personal collection, premium cigar samplers present a perfect opportunity to explore new cigars.
The Dominican Republic is home to many prestigious brands, including Ashton, Arturo Fuente, Macanudo, Montecristo, and La Flor Dominicana. A number of the industry’s most prominent cigar-makers operate in the Dominican Republic because the country is home to some of the world’s finest tobaccos. When you’re in search of the best Dominican cigars to smoke, start with the top Dominican cigar samplers you can buy.
Ashton 10-Cigar Sampler
The Ashton 10-Cigar Sampler is jam-packed with top-rated, iconic Dominican blends that have been setting precedents for quality, flavor, and consistency for decades. Five award-winning blends are presented, each included in two distinct formats. The original Ashton Classic put the brand on the map over thirty years ago with its creamy, nutty, and luscious profile. Ashton Cabinet followed with a similar recipe of premium Dominican tobaccos aged for an extended period of time inside a shimmering Connecticut Shade wrapper. Ashton Aged Maduro is drafted from a sought-after Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper with notes of dark chocolate and maple, while Ashton Heritage delivers rich flavors of leather and nutmeg finished in a Cuban-seed leaf. Ashton VSG (Virgin Sun Grown) is lauded for its decadent profile of cedar, leather, espresso, and black pepper. A glistening Ecuador Sumatra wrapper harbors a marvelous core of all-Dominican binder and filler tobaccos. The legendary Carlito Fuente blends every Ashton cigar to an impeccable, mouthwatering standard. Add an acclaimed sampler to your humidor, or get your favorite cigar lover an unrivaled assortment.
Sampler includes:
1 - Ashton VSG Robusto (5.5 x 50)
1 - Ashton VSG Sorcerer (7 x 49)
1 - Ashton Heritage Belicoso (4.875 x 49)
1 - Ashton Heritage Corona Gorda (5.75 x 46)
1 - Ashton Cabinet #8 (7 x 49)
1 - Ashton Aged Maduro #20 (5.5 x 44)
1 - Ashton Aged Maduro #40 (6 x 50)
1 - Ashton 8-9-8 (6.5 x 44)
1 - Ashton Magnum (5 x 50)
1 - Ashton Cabinet Pyramid (6 x 52)
Arturo Fuente ‘Xtremely Rare’ Sampler
The Arturo Fuente ‘Xtremely Rare’ Sampler combines 10 celebrated cigars blended by master cigar-maker Carlito Fuente in a single tough-to-find collection. This prominent selection includes a pair of coveted Fuente Fuente Opus X 20th Anniversary Father & Son cigars that aficionados prize for their rare all-Dominican profile of figs, cedar, and dried fruit with tantalizing spices. The 94-rated Arturo Fuente Magnum R is also highly sought after with its tapestry of leather, cedar, and spices with a touch of sweetness. Arturo Fuente Hemingway Classic has been a top-selling cigar for decades and is drafted from a shimmering Cameroon wrapper leaf over a premium recipe of aged Dominican tobaccos. The iconic, handcrafted Figurado shape of Hemingway is patiently made by skillful artisans. The uber-popular Arturo Fuente Chateau series concludes the assortment with two distinct wrapper varietals: creamy and approachable Connecticut Shade wrapper and a spicy and rich Sun Grown leaf. Easily impress any connoisseurs on your gift list with the Arturo Fuente ‘Xtremely Rare’ Sampler when we have them in stock. They sell out fast!
Sampler includes:
2 - Arturo Fuente Hemingway Classic (7 x 48)
2 - Arturo Fuente Double Chateau Sun Grown (6.75 x 50)
2 - Arturo Fuente Double Chateau Fuente (6.75 x 50)
2 - Fuente Fuente Opus X 20th Anniversary Father & Son (6.25 x 49)
2 - Arturo Fuente Magnum R 54 (6.5 x 54)
La Flor Dominicana Chisel Sampler
Master cigar-maker Litto Gomez has been crafting the popular boutique brand, La Flor Dominicana, since the early 1990s. Gomez pioneered a unique shape in 2003, called the Chisel, with a flattened Torpedo head that concentrates the flavor in an original and popular format. Despite the cigar’s narrow end, it delivers a copious, easy-burning draw and melds a wealth of complex nuances. The La Flor Dominicana Chisel Sampler presents this distinctive shape in five highly rated blends. Litto’s focus on potent, Ligero-heavy recipes shows off a signature of intense but balanced Dominican spices in a hearty variety of wrapper options. LFD Cameroon Cabinet weaves an intricate tapestry of sweet and peppery flavors with a touch of hickory. LFD Coronado Chisel features notes of leather, caramel, and black pepper with an oily Nicaraguan wrapper leaf. LFD Double Ligero delivers potent Dominican taste in both a Sungrown wrapper from Ecuador and a resonant jet-black Maduro leaf. Woody aromas follow a rich profile of raisins, dark chocolate, and hot peppers. The original single Ligero blend is also rich, but slightly less intense. La Flor Dominicana is particularly appreciated by fans of medium to full-bodied cigars. Indulge your curiosity over an innovative cigar shape from a respected and artful blender of small-batch Dominican gems.
Sampler includes:
1 - La Flor Dominicana Ligero Chisel (6 x 54)
1 - La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero Chisel Maduro (6 x 54)
1 - La Flor Dominicana Double Ligero Chisel (6 x 54)
1 - La Flor Dominicana Coronado Chisel (6 x 54)
1 - La Flor Dominicana Cameroon Cabinet Chisel (6 x 54)
Ashton VSG Assortment
The Ashton VSG Assortment is an excellent sampler to experience a vertical cigar tasting. In a vertical tasting, you get to smoke one blend in a variety of shapes and sizes. As a result, you can truly perceive the way that length and ring gauge influence the way you taste a cigar’s blend. Thinner cigars tend to burn hotter and faster than shapes with a thicker ring size, and longer cigars deliver milder flavor than shorter formats because the heat is further away from your palate when you light up. VSG is blended by the world-renowned cigar-maker Carlito Fuente in the Dominican Republic from premium Dominican long-fillers and a shimmering Ecuador Sumatra wrapper leaf aged to perfection. Luscious notes of cedar, leather, and espresso accompany a touch of black pepper. The Ashton VSG Assortment is an easy choice for fans of full-bodied cigars.
Sampler includes:
1 - Ashton VSG Wizard (6 x 56)
1 - Ashton VSG Sorcerer (7 x 49)
1 - Ashton VSG Torpedo (6.5 x 55)
1 - Ashton VSG Eclipse (6 x 52)
1 - Ashton VSG Robusto (5.5 x 50)
Romeo y Julieta & Montecristo Monster Deal
The Romeo y Julieta & Montecristo Monster Deal is an awesome 20-cigar sampler when you want to grab a bunch of classic Cuban-legacy cigars to share with your buddies on the golf course or over a game of poker. The original Montecristo blend is drawn from a golden-blond Connecticut Shade wrapper and a premium amalgam of creamy and nutty Dominican binder and filler tobaccos. Tasting notes of cedar, nuts, and toast leave a pleasant aftertaste. Romeo y Julieta 1875 is an iconic brand blended with an Indonesian wrapper leaf over a luscious core of Dominican long-fillers. Baking spices, coffee bean, and chestnuts layer the palate in an easy-burning format. Both blends are handcrafted in the Dominican Republic in a crowd-pleasing Robusto Larga format. It doesn’t get any better than ten Romeos and ten Montes when you’ve got a day off to smoke with your friends.
Sampler includes:
10 - Romeo y Julieta 1875 Robusto Larga (5.75 x 50)
10 - Montecristo Robusto Larga (5.75 x 50)
Argyle 'Black Tie' Assortment
Argyle ‘Black Tie’ Assortment is an outstanding 10-cigar collection of approachable Dominican cigars from a leading artisanal factory. Five unique blends (two each) are handcrafted to an unmatched standard. The original Argyle and the ultra-premium Argyle Banquet Selection reveal marvelous notes of toasted cashews, almonds, and chestnuts with a buttery spice thanks to a luscious Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf. Argyle Conundrum furnishes medium-bodied notes of dark chocolate, plums, and coffee beans with a glimmering Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper. Argyle Maduro is also drafted from a creamy Connecticut Broadleaf, but over a milder recipe of all-Dominican tobaccos. Argyle White Glove is drafted from a chewy Cuban-seed wrapper grown in Ecuador and rolled over a complex amalgam of Dominican and Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos. Notes of sweet peppers, leather, and cedar emanate throughout a zesty finish. Connoisseurs accustomed to smoking brands that occupy the top shelf enjoy Argyle as much as budget-conscious cigar lovers. If you haven’t had the pleasure of indulging in Argyle cigars, taste why the brand is officially called ‘The Most Trusted Name in Value Cigars’ when you pick up the ‘Black Tie’ Assortment for around thirty bucks.
Sampler includes:
2 - Argyle Toro (6 x 50)
2 - Argyle Conundrum Toro (6 x 52)
2 - Argyle Banquet Selection Imperial (6 x 50)
2 - Argyle White Glove Toro (6 x 50)
2 - Argyle Maduro Toro (6 x 50)
Buying Dominican Cigars with Holt’s
Holt’s is among the leading purveyors of Dominican cigars in the world. Shop our huge selection of premium boxes, samplers, and bundles from the best Dominican cigars you’ll find anywhere. We carry all the classics and a ton of hidden gems from smaller manufacturers in virtually every size, strength, and flavor profile to suit your tastes.