Top 7 Bachelor Party Cigars
When you’re getting together with your best buddies for a bachelor party, cigars are mandatory. You and your groomsmen may or may not smoke cigars regularly, so deciding on what brand or how many cigars to buy can be a challenge. Are you smoking cigars earlier in the day on the golf course or late at night after dinner with a round of whiskey?
We’ve put together our top recommendations below. You can purchase a handful of singles or order a full box. Most cigars come in boxes of 20 or 25. Even if your group isn’t that large, you get a break on the price when you buy a box, and you can save them for later as long as you keep them fresh. Here are a handful of crowd-pleasers you can easily pass out before you get hitched.
1. Ashton Classic
Ashton Classic has been considered one of the best mild cigars in the world for four decades. Legendary cigar-maker Carlito Fuente created this iconic blend from the finest Dominican long-filler tobaccos tucked under a seamless, golden Connecticut Shade wrapper leaf. Savor a soft sequence of cedar, almond, cashew, and coffee bean notes with a touch of spice in a 92-rated cigar handcrafted in several traditional sizes at the most prestigious cigar factory in the world.
2. Arturo Fuente Hemingway
Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars are handmade in a series of impressive Figurados assembled by the most skilled rollers at the Fuente factory. Carlito Fuente blends the Hemingway line from a toothy Cameroon wrapper leaf over well-aged Dominican long-filler tobaccos. Notes of chestnut, baking spices, molasses, and pepper unfold with supreme smoothness throughout a mouthwatering finish. Due to its accessible taste and historic reputation, this 94-rated blend is a perfect cigar to pass out if you’ve got a mix of seasoned connoisseurs and novices in your party.
3. La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut
La Aroma de Cuba Connecticut is a creamy and mellow Nicaraguan cigar blended by world-renowned father-and-son cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia. La Aroma de Cuba cigars are ranked as a ‘#1 Cigar Industry Best Buy,’ and the Connecticut is one of the finest introductions to Nicaraguan cigars. A butterscotch-blond Connecticut-seed wrapper, grown in Ecuador, conceals premium Nicaraguan long-fillers cultivated on Garcia family estates. Tasting notes of almond, cashew, cedar, and coffee bean cloak the palate with hints of buttercream in an approachable blend, rated 92 points by the critics in Cigar Aficionado.
4. San Cristobal Revelation
San Cristobal Revelation cigars are blended and handmade in Estelí, Nicaragua, by the Garcia family. Versatile notes of cinnamon, cocoa, cedar, and smoked almond mingle with hints of black pepper in an excellent collection of primarily box-pressed sizes. An oily, milk-chocolate-hued Ecuador Sumatra wrapper leaf harbors mature Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos from head to foot. Revelation is a top-selling blend from San Cristobal because it appeals to fans of milder and stronger cigars.
5. Flor de las Antillas
Flor de las Antillas is phenomenal Nicaraguan Puro that earned a 96-point rating and ‘#1 Cigar of the Year’ honors from the critics in Cigar Aficionado in 2012. More than a decade later this premium gem delivers a reliable profile of nutmeg, cedar, cinnamon, and cayenne pepper in a collection of soft box-pressed cigars blended and produced by the Garcia family at the My Father Cigars factory in Estelí, Nicaragua.
6. Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne
The most popular cigar in the vast Perdomo portfolio is 10th Anniversary Champagne. A blond Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf glistens over a mature interior of Nicaraguan long-filler tobaccos grown on Perdomo family farms. Tasting notes of cedar, coffee bean, and oak mingle with hints of white pepper and graham cracker throughout a creamy, medium-bodied smoke. Perdomo cigars go great with cold beer on the golf course and they come in thicker ring gauges that burn easy and last a long time.
7. Montecristo
Montecristo cigars comprise one of the most famous Cuban-legacy brands in the world. They cost a little more, but the label is immediately recognizable if you’re expecting cigar neophytes at your bachelor party who will be more likely to smoke if they’re familiar with the brand. We recommend the original Montecristo blend. A light, golden-blond Connecticut Shade wrapper covers a creamy and smooth recipe of Dominican long-filler tobaccos. Sweet and grassy notes of cedar and nuts precede a short finish. Order a box of Robusto Largas and save big on the price because this special size is made exclusively for Holt’s.
Shop More Bachelor Party Cigars
We carry over 550 premium cigar brands at Holt’s, so we’ve got plenty of other options to shop. We suggest checking out the best cigars for beginners when deciding what to get for your bachelor party, too. This list includes several classic mild cigars everyone will love. We’ve also got great recommendations for setting up a cigar bar at your wedding with the best wedding cigars, as well as the best cigar gifts for your groomsmen.