Padrón 1964 Anniversary Staff Review
The name Padrón is synonymous with the finest quality, top-shelf Nicaraguan cigars. Rooted in a deep, multi-generational family tradition which began in Cuba in the 1800s, the Padrón family has been making cigars in Estelí, Nicaragua, since 1970. The proud recipient of numerous 90+ ratings, as well as a trio of Cigar Aficionado “Cigar of the Year” awards, Padrón is a fan-favorite amongst cigar lovers during celebratory occasions. Today just so happens to be my brother-in-law’s birthday. I got him into smoking cigars a few years back and now we are regular smoking buddies. After a nice steak dinner, I decided to break out a pair of Padrón 1964 Anniversary Exclusivo Maduro cigars from my humidor. Now it’s time to pour a nice Scotch and head out back for a smoke.
The Padrón 1964 Anniversary is flawless in appearance. The single-layer cap is perfectly flush with the box-pressed body of the cigar. The foot is perfectly square and packed full of choice Nicaraguan tobaccos. The wrapper is a dark-chocolate shade of brown without a single blemish to be seen. Aside from the ridiculous amount of tooth in the wrapper, there is also an abundance of oils. The cold draw reveals a wide array of sweet and earthy flavors while the pre-light aroma is loaded with leather and hay. I can tell just by looking at this cigar that I’m in for a real treat.
As I light up this beauty, I am immediately hit with a blast of black pepper and a bold espresso note. The spice is so strong off the bat that I needed a good swig of whiskey to balance it out. Once the spiciness mellowed, I was greeted with a nice cinnamon note that married perfectly with the pepper. As the tobacco slowly warms, a flavor that I can only describe as Cajun roasted peanuts comes out. I know that may sound funny, but that is the best way I can describe it.
The flavor profile completely changed as I entered the middle portion. Dark-chocolate notes became very prominent with some woody undertones. The hints of espresso that were present in the first third of the cigar became slightly bitter, but did not last for too long. The profile tended to stay relatively consistent throughout the remainder of the cigar with some earthy tones and leather poking through every once and awhile.
As with every Padrón I have ever smoked, the construction was impeccable. The draw had the perfect amount of resistance and the burn line was razor sharp. Although the smoke production wasn’t overwhelming, I was completely satisfied and fully enjoyed the taste and aroma I perceived while smoking outside. As I mentioned earlier, I tend to save Padrón Anniversary cigars for special occasions. After the great day we had, the Padrón 1964 Anniversary Maduro really hit the spot! With the strength clocking in at 8 out of 10, this cigar is a true classic and an absolute must-try for all cigar lovers and enthusiasts.