Best Tubo Cigars
Cigar tubes provide practical and aesthetic advantages. Protection, freshness, and looks are three reasons cigar tubes are appealing. They’re ideal if you’re handing your favorite aficionado a single cigar as a gift. You can’t beat the classy presentation a glass, aluminum, or cedar tube offers, and you don’t have to worry about damaging the cigar when you’re handing it out or wrapping it in a package with other items. A cigar tube won’t keep a cigar fresh indefinitely, like a humidor, but it does offer an extra barrier from the elements, beyond the cellophane wrapper, that will preserve a cigar’s humidity a little longer. Celebrate the next special occasion on your calendar, whether it’s the holidays, a birthday, or an anniversary with your favorite cigar connoisseur by gifting an impressive cigar in a tube from our list below.
1. Ashton VSG Eclipse (Tubo)
Ashton VSG needs no introduction. For nearly a quarter of a century, Ashton VSG has been a coveted premium in fine cigar shops around the world. An oily Ecuador Sumatra wrapper embraces a bountiful blend of well-aged Dominican long-fillers in a round 6-by-52 Toro called the Eclipse, which is packaged in a gorgeous black-and-gold tube. Tasting notes of espresso bean, leather, and cedar mingle with luscious spices before a bold finish resonates.
2. Arturo Fuente Chateau Fuente King T (Tubo)
The Chateau Series from Arturo Fuente is among the most popular Dominican cigars ever created, and the King T comes in an ornate tube adorned with a colorful Fuente insignia. A seamless Connecticut Shade wrapper harbors a mellow and rich interior of premium Dominican long-fillers in a traditional 7-by-49 Churchill. Notes of cedar, cashew, and coffee bean layer the palate with soft spices in a bestselling profile blended by legendary cigar-maker Carlito Fuente.
3. Padrón 1926 Series No. 90
The Padrón 1926 Series No. 90 was blended to commemorate the 90th birthday of brand founder José Orlando Padrón. Vintage Nicaraguan long-fillers rest inside a toothy Nicaraguan wrapper leaf, all of which are aged a minimum of five years. No. 90 cigars are also round, a departure from the brand’s famous box-pressed shapes. The Natural version is sheathed in a maroon-and-gold tube, while the Maduro is dressed in a gorgeous white-and-gold tube. Both are guaranteed to impress if you’re in search of a single cigar to hand out as a gift. Also consider the iconic Padrón 1964 Anniversary in a 6-by-50 box-pressed Presidente in a beautiful square tube that mirrors the cigar’s shape.
4. Oliva Serie V Double Robusto Tubes
When the original Oliva Serie V debuted in the mid-2000s, the cigar scored 95 points from the critics in Cigar Aficionado and catapulted the brand into a new realm of demand. The chunky 5-by-54 Double Robusto is available in a dark maroon tube, and is considered an affordable, complex smoke. An Ecuador Habano wrapper conceals a meaty core of Nicaraguan long-fillers. Oliva Serie V imparts hearty notes of earth, leather, and cayenne pepper before a zesty finish.
5. Davidoff Aniversario Special R Tubos
The top-shelf reputation of the Davidoff Aniversario blend enjoys a devoted audience due to its creamy, nutty, and elegant taste. A well-aged amalgam of premium Dominican binder and filler tobaccos is bound by a silky Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf in several classic sizes, including the 4.875-by-50 Robusto called the Special R, which is available in an attractive white tube. Show your affection for fellow aficionados when you pass out this mild, high-end cigar.
6. Macanudo Cafe Crystal (Tube)
Macanudo cigars are among the most widely distributed premiums in the world, and the Macanudo Cafe is the number-one-selling blend, hands down. The 5.5-by-50 Crystal Tube is a traditional Robusto housed in a clear glass tube. A golden Connecticut Shade wrapper covers an eventful blend of Dominican and Mexican long-fillers in a mild, easygoing profile of cedar, nuts, and coffee bean with hints of grass and cereal.
7. Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne Magnum 50 Tubo
Brand founder Nick Perdomo is a stickler for quality control, and Perdomo 10th Anniversary Champagne cigars reflect an unerring degree of consistency. Introduce your connoisseur to the brand’s most requested blend with a 6-by-50 Toro called the Magnum 50 Tubo, clad in a dark-orange aluminum tube. Rich and creamy notes of white pepper, leather, earth, and coffee bean mingle before a nutty conclusion.
8. Nub Tubes
The short, fat shape of Nub cigars has made them immensely popular, and all four core wrapper varietals – Cameroon, Connecticut, Habano, and Maduro – are available in a chunky 4-by-60 format in a tube that’s color-coated to match the cigar bands for each blend. Nub cigars are handcrafted at the legendary Oliva factory in Estelí, Nicaragua, in a collection that ranges from mild and nutty to full-flavored and spicy. Squatty Nub cigars burn for a deceptively long time due to their exaggerated girth.