Top 5 Naturally Sweet Cigars
Naturally sweet cigars are not flavored. Premium tobacco possesses naturally sweet taste that is often emphasized as a result of fermentation techniques. Maduro wrappers, for example, are famous for adding sweetness to a cigar’s profile. No artificial oils or ingredients are necessary to enhance the taste of cigars that are naturally sweet. Premium cigars display a range of common tasting notes like nuts, spices, coffee, cedar, and cocoa. We’ve highlighted five of the best naturally sweet cigars you should smoke today.
1. Ashton Aged Maduro
Ashton Aged Maduro is a naturally sweet classic. Notes of dark chocolate, molasses, maple, and fresh coffee mingle in a creamy and succulent profile. An oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper is drawn over a well-aged premium interior of Dominican long-fillers blended by world-renowned cigar-maker Carlito Fuente. If you’re a fan of port, rum, cognac, and fine desserts, Ashton Aged Maduro is the ultimate cigar to savor after a satisfying meal.
2. La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor
In its debut year, La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor scored 95 points and Cigar Aficionado’s prestigious ‘#2 Cigar of the Year’ honors. What sets Mi Amor apart is its versatile taste. Anticipate a magnificent tour of sweet and spicy notes of almond, cracked black pepper, and fresh espresso before a woody finish of dark chocolate and smoked molasses sets in. Legendary cigar-maker Pepin Garcia blends an oily San Andrés wrapper over a premium blend of Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos aged for peak smoothness.
3. Arturo Fuente Hemingway
For decades Arturo Fuente Hemingway has been the world’s number-one-selling Cameroon cigar. Beneath its elegant gingerbread-hued wrapper is a mature core of premium long-fillers cultivated on Fuente family estates in the Dominican Republic. Delicate nuances of baking spices, nuts, cedar, and cinnamon layer the palate with a touch of cocoa around the edges. Each shape in the collection is a meticulously handmade Figurado. Hemingway is ideal if you prefer a profile that is sweet and milky but less sharp than what you’ll encounter in a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper.
4. Oliva Master Blends 3
Master Blends 3 stands out in the ultra-popular Oliva portfolio as one of the brand’s most sought-after cigars. Lavish notes of dark chocolate, hickory, black pepper, and earth weave in and out before a tangy finish lingers on the palate. An oily Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper conceals a vintage blend of well-aged Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos in a collection of perfectly balanced shapes. Save big when you add a 92-rated Oliva gem to your collection.
5. Padrón 1964 Anniversary Maduro
Relish a prestigious profile of cedar, milk chocolate, smoked nuts, and cayenne pepper in Padrón 1964 Anniversary Maduro. The 94-rated blend is drafted from an exclusive recipe of premium Nicaraguan tobaccos, including its vintage Maduro wrapper leaf. Several iconic box-pressed shapes comprise a collection the critics and cigar lovers universally agree is superb. Sip on a top-shelf scotch with a 1964 Anniversary Maduro in your favorite size.