Best Corojo Cigars
Corojo cigars are rolled with wrapper leaves harvested from Corojo tobacco plants. The varietal originated in Cuba’s famous Pinar del Rio region where the best Cuban tobacco is cultivated. The seeds were smuggled out of Cuba in the decades following the trade embargo with the U.S. and have been widely grown by premium cigar-makers in Nicaragua and Honduras. Corojo is desirable because of its complex and zesty taste. Much of the Corojo tobacco grown today, however, comes from hybrid seeds engineered by geneticists to resist diseases like blue mold, which once plagued the crops. Hybrid Corojo wrappers can be found on a number of popular cigars today. Here are a few worth smoking when you want to know the taste of this legendary leaf.
1. My Father Fonseca
In 2020, renowned father-and-son cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia debuted an all-new version of Fonseca, an old Cuban-legacy brand. The Garcias once rolled the historic label in their native Cuba decades ago and saw it fitting to bring the brand into their My Father portfolio. An oily Corojo Rosado wrapper conceals a hearty blend of premium Nicaraguan long-fillers aged to perfection. Notes of fresh coffee, leather, and cocoa unleash a nutty and zesty finish in a collection of perfectly rolled shapes.
2. Don Pepin Garcia Original
Among the first cigars blended by Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia to capture the critics’ attention is Don Pepin Garcia Original. A lustrous Corojo Oscuro wrapper leaf covers a meaty interior of vintage Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos in several classic sizes. Notes of cayenne, cedar, earth, and red pepper captivate the palate in the company of powerful, alluring aromas. Fans of Pepin still consider this early hit one of his greatest cigars.
3. Nub Corojo
Nub Corojo combines the tangy and earthy taste of a premium Corojo wrapper leaf with a well-aged blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers in the ultra-popular, short and fat shape of Nub cigars. Tasting notes of leather, paprika, red pepper, cedar, and cocoa mingle in a zesty profile with a complex, woody finish. Nub Corojo is handmade to highest standards for taste, aroma, and consistency at the Oliva factory in Estelí, Nicaragua.
4. Argyle Dark Corojo
Argyle has long been the brand where artisanal cigar-making and unbeatable value converge. Argyle Dark Corojo is a splendid specimen of premium long-fillers, from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, bound by a reddish-brown Corojo wrapper. The blend is meticulously assembled to deliver a mouthwatering and affordable portrait of leather, wood, coffee with cream, and black pepper from beginning to end.
5. Kristoff Corojo Limitada
The rugged and rustic appearance of Kristoff cigars is well suited to deliver the tangy and peppery taste the Corojo Limitada blend is known for. Cuban-seed tobaccos grown in the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua undergo a double and triple fermentation before they’re finished in a meaty Corojo wrapper leaf. Zesty notes of leather, baking spices, and red peppers accompany robust campfire aromas in a handful of traditional sizes. Keep an eye out for big discounts on Kristoff boxes in our weekly deal rotation.