Best Romeo y Julieta Cigars
Romeo y Julieta cigars have been around since 1875 when business partners Inocencio Alvarez and Manin Garcia created the brand in Cuba and named it after the characters in Shakespeare’s tragic play, Romeo and Juliet. Today, the historic Cuban-legacy label is handmade in three different countries: the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras. Non-Cuban Romeo y Julieta cigars are distributed by Altadis U.S.A. Outside of the U.S., you can still buy Cuban Romeos, but the ones sold here are arguably more consistent. Cigar lovers debate the differences in quality and taste between Cuban Romeos versus non-Cubans, but we’re focusing on the best Romeo y Julieta cigars you can buy online now.
1. Romeo y Julieta 1875
The original Romeo y Julieta 1875 blend commemorates the year the brand was founded. Its easygoing profile of nuts, pepper, and coffee with cream has been a hit with newer aficionados for decades. An oily, tan Indonesian wrapper leaf conceals a balanced blend of Dominican long-fillers in several traditional shapes. Shop for popular sizes like the Robusto Larga from one of our frequent Romeo deals. Romeo y Julieta 1875 is a great introduction to the brand with its approachable flavor and price point.
2. Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real
A seamless, golden Ecuador Connecticut wrapper embraces a bountiful core of Dominican and Nicaragua binder and filler tobaccos in Romeo y Julieta Reserva Real. Tasting notes of roasted nuts, leather, spice, and cedar converge in a magnificent finish in a series of classic sizes. Reserva Real has been a bestseller for years thanks to its mellow but complex taste and widespread availability. Its recognizable name and creamy finish make it an excellent cigar to consider for wedding receptions and golf outings.
3. Romeo y Julieta Reserve
Romeo y Julieta Reserve relies on a slightly more intense blend of premium Nicaraguan and Honduran binder and filler tobaccos beneath an oily Nicaraguan cover leaf. Hickory and coffee bean notes pleasantly meld in an earthy and zesty finale in a handful of thicker shapes that deliver an effortless draw. Taste a meatier version of Romeo in the well-made Reserve blend.
4. Romeo y Julieta Vintage
A creamy profile of cereal, pepper, grass, and cedar layers the palate with silky texture in a classic blend that debuted in 1993. A light-tan Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf harbors an eloquent, nutty blend of Dominican and Mexican long-fillers assembled for optimal smoothness. Consider Romeo y Julieta Vintage when you’re craving a mellow and iconic blend you can easily share with your pals on the golf course.
5. Romeo y Julieta 1875 Nicaragua
Savor an authentic Nicaraguan Puro from Romeo y Julieta with 1875 Nicaragua. A toasty profile of coffee bean and cedar reveals notes of caramel and milk chocolate with zesty character in a handful of popular shapes. An oily Nicaraguan wrapper conceals a balanced blend of Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos assembled to deliver uniform taste with a silky, alluring aroma. Sip a vintage rum with a premium handmade gem from Romeo y Julieta today.