Best Cigars for Poker Night
Poker night is a sacred occasion for cigar lovers. If you’ve got a man cave and a very understanding Mrs. at home, you can host the action and smoke with your pals all night. If you’re supplying the chips and booze too, the tab can add up. That’s why it’s mandatory you get the best deal on cigars for your next poker night. You are in the right place, my friend. Like the Kenny Rogers song goes, “You’ve got to know when to hold ‘em, know when to fold ‘em,” son. Here are the best cigars to buy before somebody calls your bluff.
1. Ashton Cabinet Selection
Ashton Cabinet Selection is the ultimate cigar to smoke on poker night. Rich, luscious, and approachable flavors of cashews, cedar, and buttered toast layer the palate with a touch of spices and a lingering sweetness. Ashton Cabinet is the kind of cigar you can smoke all night long thanks to its well-aged tobaccos and unrivaled smoothness. We recommend a longer shape like a Cabinet No. 8 or No. 10 when you’re laying your hands down.
2. La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor
La Aroma de Cuba Mi Amor is a 95-rated award-winning cigar blended by Jose ‘Pepin’ Garcia. A versatile profile of smoked almonds, cocoa, espresso beans, and cracked black pepper alternates between sweet and spicy flavor. Seasoned cigar lovers and newbies love the creamy and complex taste and aroma of Mi Amor. When Mi Amor debuted, the critics ranked it the ‘#2 Cigar of the Year’ in Cigar Aficionado.
3. Arturo Fuente Gran Reserva
Legendary cigar-maker Carlito Fuente blends countless Dominican classics like Arturo Fuente Gran Reserva in the Fuente family’s celebrated portfolio. Iconic cigars like Arturo Fuente 8-5-8 make an excellent choice when you’re playing poker because everyone will be impressed when you open a box to share. Notes of cedar, cinnamon, nuts, and baking spices satisfy with a sweet and creamy zest.
4. San Cristobal Revelation
A milk-chocolate-hued Ecuador Sumatra wrapper leaf embraces a vintage blend of premium Nicaraguan binder and filler tobaccos created by Pepin Garcia in a collection of box-pressed shapes. Tasting notes of cocoa, cedar, almonds, and leather mingle effortlessly in a medium-bodied cigar that’s impossible to pass up once its aroma hits the room.
5. Oliva Serie V Melanio
Oliva scored its first ‘#1 Cigar of the Year’ title in Cigar Aficionado in 2014 with the 96-rated Oliva Serie V Melanio. The lauded cigar’s profile of pepper, wood, and caramel is as popular today as it ever was. A medium-brown Ecuador Sumatra wrapper leaf cloaks a well-aged blend of Nicaraguan long-fillers in several box-pressed and traditional shapes. Pick up a box from one of our frequent Oliva deals.
6. My Father La Opulencia
If your fellow poker players are fans of full-boded cigars, you can’t go wrong with My Father La Opulencia. The 95-rated, ‘#2 Cigar of the Year’ for 2018 is handmade from an oily San Andres wrapper leaf and an ample blend of spicy Nicaraguan long-fillers. Woody, earthy, and zesty notes of espresso beans and pepper accompany dense, smoky aromas. Father-and-son cigar-makers Pepin and Jaime Garcia score another hit with La Opulencia.
7. Padrón 1964 Anniversary
Padrón 1964 Anniversary represents one of those cigars everybody craves, but few want to splurge on it unless it’s a special occasion. What better time to enjoy a top-rated Padrón than when you’re gathered round the table gambling all night? Several box-pressed shapes deliver classic flavors of cedar, cocoa, cayenne, and cinnamon with a long and luscious finish.
8. Perdomo 20th Anniversary Connecticut
Brand founder Nick Perdomo enjoys a loyal following of cigar lovers with his extensive collection of handmade premiums. Perdomo 20th Anniversary Connecticut stands out as one of the best Perdomo cigars for its taste and its price tag. You can access excellent Nicaraguan flavor in a golden Ecuador Connecticut wrapper leaf over a balanced core of Nicaraguan long-filers. Nutty notes of wood and white pepper please the palate while you’re trying to get a peek at your pal’s next hand. No poker night is complete without a box of Perdomo cigars.
9. Flor de las Antillas
Flor de las Antillas is a perfect poker cigar. It was rated 96 points and ranked as the ‘#1 Cigar of the Year’ in Cigar Aficionado when it debuted in 2012. Pepin Garcia blends it from his finest Nicaraguan long-fillers and an oily Sun Grown Nicaraguan wrapper leaf. It’s not too strong or too mild with a medium-bodied profile of cayenne, cedar, and black pepper with a touch of cocoa. And, it’s a great value with 20-count boxes starting around $117. Flor de las Antillas suits almost every palate and it pairs equally well with cold beer and dark spirits.
10. Nub Connecticut
Nub Connecticut is a worthy cigar for poker night because of its short fat shape and creamy taste. Because Nub isn’t very long, you can hand it to any pals who are timid about partaking in a cigar. Nub Connecticut delivers a nutty profile of white pepper, nuts, and toast. There are Cameroon, Habano, Maduro, and Corojo wrapper options, too, if you prefer a profile with more sweetness or spice. Grab a box of Nub when it’s on sale, or consider the Nub ‘Stub Club’ Monster Deal for a tour of all five blends in one mouthwatering package.