Where to Buy Fuente Fuente Opus X Cigars
Few cigars inspire the kind of devotion that Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars do. Everybody wants them, and there aren’t enough to go around. Certain sizes and variations of Opus X cigars are highly collectible. The handful of retailers that list Opus X for sale online are perpetually sold out and/or the price is exorbitantly marked up. Grown men go to insane lengths to get their hands on Opus X and will pay extravagant prices for the privilege of adding a few Opus X cigars to their humidors. Below is the backstory behind these groundbreaking cigars and where you can go to get them.
Fuente Fuente Opus X – The Pinnacle of Premium Cigar-making
Beginning in the late 1980s, legendary cigarmaker Carlito Fuente spent over seven years cultivating the soil, planting tobacco crops from different seed varietals, and harvesting, aging, and blending the tobacco that would become Opus X cigars. All in the Dominican Republic, where other cigarmakers who had tried and failed to grow a Dominican wrapper crop told Carlito he, too, would fail.
For Carlito, making Opus X cigars was a matter of immense pride. The journey began when a French retailer told Carlito he was more an “assembler of tobaccos” than an actual cigarmaker, or someone who farms their own crops and blends and produces the finished product. Although the retailer may not have intended to offend Carlito, whose family had been making premium cigars for three generations, the comment irked him and spurred his ambition, along with the advice of his father, Carlos Fuente Sr., who told him that whatever you do in life, aspire to be the best at it.
It took years of trial and error to perfect the blend for Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars, and at the end, Carlito established his Chateau de la Fuente estates in the Dominican Republic, where all Opus X wrapper is grown, as one of the most prestigious tobacco farms in the world. Opus X is a Dominican Puro—a cigar made entirely of Dominican tobacco: binder, filler, and wrapper. There are very few Dominican Puros on the market, and the other cigar of note, Ashton ESG, is also made by Fuente and finished in a wrapper grown on the Chateau de la Fuente estates.
Unparalleled Opus X Demand
When the first Opus X cigars went on sale in 1995, the buzz around them was huge. At first, Carlito only sold Opus X to select retailers east of the Mississippi River because there was so little to go around. Store owners limited the quantities customers could buy, often to just two cigars. Nearly thirty years later, Opus X cigars are still allocated to a small group of elite Fuente retailers who receive limited quantities two or three times throughout the year.
The few retailers who carry Opus X cigars usually reserve them for their best customers, so you’re unlikely to find them sitting out on a shelf. It’s also common to see Opus X prices with significant markups over the retail value. Aficionados collect Opus X cigars and will hoard them if given the opportunity. Carlito has never been concerned with the quantity of Opus X he produces, only that they are the best cigars in the world.
Luckily, there is one event you can attend every year where you’re guaranteed to get your hands on precious Opus X cigars, and that’s Fuente Mania at Holt’s.
Fuente Mania: The Super Bowl of Cigar Events
Fuente Mania takes place once a year, usually in the fall, at both of our Holt’s retail locations in Philadelphia. It’s considered the Super Bowl of cigar events. Check our Holt’s event calendar for upcoming dates. Fuente Mania is open to the public. No tickets or reservations are required. We’ve been hosting Fuente Mania for over a decade. Thousands of cigar lovers from across the country make the pilgrimage to Philly to meet Carlito Fuente in person and purchase coveted and rare cigars when he opens the floodgates on his Opus X supply for his ravenous fan base. Proceeds benefit Cigar Family Charitable Foundation.
At Fuente Mania, you’ll encounter the most sought-after cigars in the world, including Fuente y Padrón Legends, Opus X BBMF, Chilli Pepper, No. 77 Shark, 20th Anniversary, Angel’s Share, Oro Oscuro, and coveted samplers like Arturo Fuente ‘From Dream to Dynasty’ Collection. We’ve got all the classic Opus sizes too, including Perfecxion X, Reserva d’Chateau, and No. 2, and you can buy them in singles or by the box. While supplies last, enjoy access to the entire Fuente portfolio with Arturo Fuente Añejo, Destino al Siglo, Rare Pink, and Casa Fuente, alongside your favorite Fuente classics like Hemingway, Don Carlos, Chateau Fuente, Magnum R, Casa Cuba, and more.
Giving Back: Cigar Family Charitable Foundation
Cigar lovers who’ve had the chance to meet Carlito Fuente know he’s as passionate about the people who make his cigars as the cigars themselves. That’s why proceeds from Fuente Mania benefit the Cigar Family Charitable Foundation (CFCF), an organization founded by the Fuente family in 2001 that provides essential humanitarian support for the Bonao region of the Dominican Republic where Arturo Fuente cigars are made. Basic resources like running water, primary and secondary schools, a medical center, an organic farming operation, and a sports and recreational facility have become realities for the once impoverished Bonao region. CFCF is recognized by the United Nations as a global model for education and community service. Know that you’re supporting an amazing cause when you buy your favorite Arturo Fuente cigars during Fuente Mania.
Clear your calendar and tell your friends to head to Holt’s in Philly for the next Fuente Mania! We’ll see you there!