Most Notable Cigar Smoking Actors
Cigars and celebrity have gone hand in hand for generations. As long as flashbulbs have been around, luminaries from every walk of life have been photographed in a fog of smoke thanks to their fondness for cigars. Icons like Winston Churchill, Al Capone, Groucho Marx, JFK, George Burns, Raul Julia, and Michael Jordan will forever have a cigar linked to their likenesses.
In 1992, Cigar Aficionado officially launched its first issue. Not only do cigars star on the cover of the magazine, but a host of famous cigar-smokers encourage our fascination with fine cigars. Let’s take a look at famous actors who make up some of our most cherished celebrity cigar connoisseurs.
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Introduced to cigars in the 1970s by his father-in-law, Arnold Schwarzenegger is almost as famous for smoking cigars as Winston Churchill. The bodybuilder, Hollywood icon, and former governor has been open and unapologetic over his love of premium cigars for decades – a quality which has made him all the more popular with fellow cigar lovers. He is credited with introducing premium cigars to a host of costars over the years, including Carl Weathers in Predator and Danny DeVito in Twins – both of whom initially objected to Schwarzenegger’s cigar smoking on set. Who could resist a bit of persuasion from The Terminator?
Sylvester Stallone
Actor, writer, director, and star of the Rocky and Rambo franchises, Sylvester Stallone has been an avid cigar lover throughout most of his illustrious career. Surprisingly, Stallone was actually a cigarette smoker when he first breached the boxing ring to become Rocky in the 1970s. He gave up cigarettes and their detrimental impact on his health in exchange for the far more refined taste and experience of premium cigars. Stallone also embraced a disdain for the impatient tendencies and desire for immediate gratification encouraged by cigarettes. Fine cigars are to be savored and he often saves his cigars for the evenings and the golf course – giving him something look forward to throughout the day. He’s been a devoted fan of Arturo Fuente, especially Fuente Fuente Opus X cigars for over twenty years.
Danny DeVito
Despite his penchant for playing the occasional deviant, it’s tough not to love Danny DeVito. His portrayal of memorable characters, from Louie de Palma in Taxi, to Owen in Throw Mamma from the Train, to Frank Reynolds on It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and scores of others, transcends generations. DeVito’s witty, affable onscreen deceptions continue to re-emerge in a variety of roles. What’s even more alluring, in real life, the guy loves a good cigar. Although the annual celebratory cigars for birthdays and other special occasions were present during his days on the Taxi set, DeVito really got into premium smokes while filming Twins – thanks to the influence of another fervent cigar lover: Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Laurence Fishburne
Lauded leading talent Laurence Fishburne possesses an insane portfolio of work from his early breakout role as Capt. Willard in Apocalypse Now, to playing Jason “Furious” Styles in Boyz n the Hood, to an Academy Award-winning performance for Best Actor for his portrayal of Ike Turner in What’s Love Got to Do with It, to his now-iconic role as Morpheus in the The Matrix trilogy. When he’s not juggling one of his numerous film or television projects, Fishburne enjoys a premium handmade cigar. He prefers darker blends with a Maduro wrapper and a nice, rich sweetness. He often partakes when he visits New York’s Grand Havana Room where he is a member.
Matthew McConaughey
Matthew McConaughey embodies the image of a quintessential southern gentleman both off, and often on, the silver screen. His widely varied roles have led to immense success, an Oscar for Best Actor for his role in Dallas Buyers Club, and a glimmering future as one of Hollywood’s leading men. As the face and creative director for Wild Turkey whiskey, he’s equally comfortable cradling a bourbon and a fine cigar in his hands as he is the next big script.
Ron Perlman
Often when we think of an emblematic cigar smoker, it’s easy to visualize the determined, sensitive, and deep-set profile of Ron Perlman with a cigar perched in his jaw. He’s famous for saying, “Some people meditate. I smoke cigars.” The Hellboy and Sons of Anarchy star has been an avid cigar lover since the 1970s when he started smoking Arturo Fuente. And his passion for premium cigars blossomed into an obsession. He smokes cigars daily and has delved into nearly every brand, Cuban, Dominican, Nicaraguan, and more, keeping multiple humidors around his home for cigars rolled in specific regions. He still regularly enjoys Fuente and appreciates the richness and value of Joya de Nicaragua. Despite his 6-ft-2 brooding facade, Perlman is treasured for his warm and humorous personality by his many friends and colleagues, including director Guillermo del Toro.
Andy Garcia
Veteran heartthrob and Cuban-American actor Andy Garcia cemented his reputation in iconic films like The Untouchables, Internal Affairs, and When a Man Loves a Woman. His special affection for cigars arises from his youth and the cigar-smoking culture of his Cuban family. Garcia is good friends with legendary cigar-maker Carlito Fuente whose famous Chateau de la Fuente estate in the Dominican Republic provided the setting for Garcia’s 2005 film The Lost City, with a plot that details the violent transition between Batista and Castro in late 1950’s Cuba. Carlito Fuente created a special Fuente Fuente Opus X Lost City cigar in honor of the film. Besides Opus X, Garcia adores Arturo Fuente Don Carlos and a handful of classic Cubans.
Jim Belushi
From his roles in a host of classic comedies that include Trading Places, Taking Care of Business, and Curly Sue, to his funny portrayal of TV characters such as Jim in the ABC sitcom According to Jim, and his legendary performances as Zee Blues alongside Elwood Blues (Dan Aykroyd) in the Blues Brothers Band, Jim Belushi is a Chicago-born, bona fide cigar lover. His down-to-earth Midwestern persona endears audiences to him. When he’s not acting or on stage, he loves to smoke Arturo Fuente Hemingway cigars and will indulge in a Cuban here and there, like a Montecristo or a Partagas – but he often prefers Dominican Fuentes for their consistency.
Harvey Keitel
Harvey Keitel has appeared in dozens of box office and cult hits, including Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs, The Piano, Thelma & Louise, and more. He embraces characters that range from hard-nosed, reliable, and sensitive figures to down-to-business, no-nonsense ball-breakers. He’s also an ardent fan of premium cigars. Befittingly, he starred in the 1995 film, Smoke, based on a neighborhood cigar shop in Brooklyn. Years ago, Keitel handed Jim Belushi a Cuban Cohiba from his breast pocket at a dinner with a number of other Hollywood elites after probing whether or not Belushi was a true cigar lover. I guess he was satisfied with Belushi’s response.