Cigar Bars & Lounges: What Are They?
A cigar bar or lounge is a place where you can kick back and smoke cigars – with other cigar lovers. Cigar bars and lounges are the last bastions for aficionados to fire up freely without facing the disapproval of complainers in the general public who don’t like cigars. Cigar bars are few and far between these days. Some are private; some are public. There is no shortage of connoisseurs who’ve converted their basements into sanctuaries stocked with cigars and whiskey to share with friends. Here’s what to look for in a cigar lounge to suit your fancy.
A Classic Cigar Bar
Stepping into a legit cigar bar these days is like walking back in time. You’ll find a deep menu of vintage whiskey, spirits, beer and wine, and, of course, a humidor stocked to the ceiling with premium handmades you can smoke on the premises. Seasoned bartenders and cocktail waitresses provide professional and accommodating service during your stay. The best cigar bars are outfitted with a powerful air purification system, meaning your spouse or non-cigar-smoking friends won’t mind hanging out with you while you smoke This is the ultimate environment to enjoy a cigar. There are a handful of cigar bars that even serve dinner, but most focus exclusively on spirits and cigars to maximize their space for cigar patrons. Right here in Philadelphia, the hometown of Holt’s, we’ve got one of the classiest cigar bars in the country: Ashton Cigar Bar. It’s an essential stop for anyone who appreciates a smoking good cigar.
Cigar Store Lounge
The local smokeshop is the cigar lounge where most cigar lovers smoke today. The best cigar shops invest time and money in their cigar lounges. They are clean, comfortable, and relaxing places to smoke. You may or may not be able to bring your own booze depending on municipal ordinances. Many cigar lounges have flat screens for watching a big game, and the staff is attentive to your visit. Most stores require a purchase if you’re going to smoke in the lounge. Follow a bit of cigar lounge etiquette and you’ll be welcomed back with open arms whenever you feel like smoking.
Build a Cigar Lounge in Your Home
Not everyone lives near a good cigar lounge. With a bit of DIY ingenuity, you can convert your man cave into an impressive cigar-friendly escape. Whether you go all out or keep it simple, setting up a bar in your house is a lot of fun. If you decide to take the plunge, tell your pals about your project. Most will be thrilled to pitch in and help you with the buildout and the expense because they’ll want to hang out and smoke cigars with you when it’s all done. You need good ventilation and comfy furniture. Some guys even install walk-in humidors. The sky’s the limit when you’re building a cigar room in your house. It beats eternally wondering the earth for the perfect place to smoke.